Friday, January 3, 2020
The Tragedy of Oedipus Essay - 1135 Words
The Tragedy of Oedipus When there is the mention of a hero in literature, the image of a tall, strong man on a pure colored horse, with a sword drawn and the shield held up, crying out to his men the honor and good they will bring in defense of their homeland, may come to mind. This, though, is not the image Sophocles gives to Oedipus, yet Oedipus is considered a true hero. Even if he is not depicted as a great war hero, or one who does some great deed to the benefit of humanity, he is the image of the perfect tragic hero, having normal, imperfect qualities, yet facing the consequences of his actions with dignity. Oedipus personality is clearly demonstrated throughout the play. The first quality he shows is his love toward his†¦show more content†¦Oedipus perseverance to find the truth leads to the punishment he himself pronounced. Instead of hiding his sins, like many probably would have done, he faced the consequences of his actions. He accepted them without a single whimper, and for that he is the perfect tragic hero. Oedipus is the tragic hero and main character of Sophocles play. He is the cause of many deaths and sufferings, whether directly or indirectly inflicting them. At the start of the play, Oedipus is depicted as a loving king, taking good care of his people and doing whatever he can to ease their pains. After realizing his mistakes and suffering the consequences, he became even more humble and kind, but with weak spirit and mind. He had a short temper and flared out with suspicion and distrust. This occurred first when Teiresias accused him of killing, and later when Oedipus suspected both Creon and the blind prophet of plotting against him. However, throughout the whole play, one aspect of his personality was clear: his endless ambition to find the truth. Even when it finally dawned on him that he truly was the son and killer of Laius and the son of his wife, he just had to gather the last piece of the great puzzle to satisfy himself. Jocasta is the wife of O edipus, but also, with such ironic cruelty, his mother. She breaks up the quarrel between Oedipus and Creon, and later assures Oedipus he is not the killer of Laius. Jocasta is very incredulous. She had learned about the fate of herShow MoreRelatedThe Tragedy Of Oedipus Oedipus Rex 928 Words  | 4 Pagesbetween Oedipus’ irrevocable circumstances as well as his flawed character that makes Sophocles’ â€Å"Oedipus Rex†a quintessential example of Greek drama. His circumstances, which are set by the Gods, are profound and beyond anyone’s control; either he must be killed or there will be great consequences. 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