Thursday, September 3, 2020
Statistical Analysis
Question: Compose a paper onStatistical Analysis. Answer: In this task, the quantity of admissions to the films in Australia was reviewed from the year 1994 to 2014. Different elements were likewise reviewed in this task. The information for the factors of Screens, Theaters, Films Screened, Real Ticket Price and Capacity were likewise gathered from the year 1994 to 2014 (Bickel and Lehmann 2012). These information were utilized in this task for the investigation. Measurable examination would be done on this informational collection. Engaging insights, inferential measurements and ideas of straight relapse strategies would be given in this task dependent on these information (Vogt and Barta 2013). Diagrams and outlines would likewise speak to the information and give decision about the information and their relations. Technique The graphic measurements for the factors are given beneath: Screens Mean 1213.52381 Standard Error 103.6609083 Middle 1028 Mode #N/A Standard Deviation 475.0339587 Test Variance 225657.2619 Kurtosis - 1.569616636 Skewness 0.410014464 Range 1264 Least 645 Most extreme 1909 Total 25484 Check 21 Largest(1) 1909 Smallest(1) 645 Certainty Level (95.0%) 216.2328649 Confirmations (millions) Mean 61.82380952 Standard Error 5.151804606 Middle 68.1 Mode 92.5 Standard Deviation 23.60853457 Test Variance 557.3629048 Kurtosis - 1.666346431 Skewness - 0.055528974 Range 63.6 Least 28.9 Most extreme 92.5 Total 1298.3 Check 21 Largest(1) 92.5 Smallest(1) 28.9 Certainty Level (95.0%) 10.74647607 Theaters Mean 545.0952381 Standard Error 9.45840638 Middle 547 Mode 520 Standard Deviation 43.34386319 Test Variance 1878.690476 Kurtosis 8.375821966 Skewness 2.445313468 Range 201 Least 501 Most extreme 702 Total 11447 Check 21 Largest(1) 702 Smallest(1) 501 Certainty Level (95.0%) 19.72988992 Movies Screened Mean 257.3809524 Standard Error 5.769573802 Middle 255 Mode 259 Standard Deviation 26.43950868 Test Variance 699.047619 Kurtosis 1.256326286 Skewness - 0.057083837 Range 124 Least 194 Greatest 318 Entirety 5405 Tally 21 Largest(1) 318 Smallest(1) 194 Certainty Level (95.0%) 12.03512002 Genuine Ticket Price Mean 19.77952381 Standard Error 0.091997609 Middle 19.66 Mode #N/A Standard Deviation 0.421586008 Test Variance 0.177734762 Kurtosis 0.085043332 Skewness 0.91600328 Range 1.51 Least 19.25 Greatest 20.76 Entirety 415.37 Tally 21 Largest(1) 20.76 Smallest(1) 19.25 Certainty Level (95.0%) 0.191903649 Limit ('000s) Mean 362.8095238 Standard Error 15.57082422 Middle 332 Mode 295 Standard Deviation 71.35448062 Test Variance 5091.461905 Kurtosis - 1.582996919 Skewness 0.44357307 Range 186 Least 285 Greatest 471 Entirety 7619 Tally 21 Largest(1) 471 Smallest(1) 285 Certainty Level (95.0%) 32.48017007 Thinking about the variable affirmation (millions), the focal propensity the variable, for example the mean is 61.8238. The middle of the variable is 68.1. This is the center estimation of the confirmation (millions) is 68.1. The modular estimation of the variable was 92.5 (Plonsky 2015). This is the most extreme recurrence for the quantity of individuals who were conceded for the film. The changeability of the variable; for example the standard deviation is 23.6085. This delineates the variable had a moderate measure of fluctuation in the confirmation (millions) throughout the years (Vogt and Barta 2013). The state of the dispersion is platykurtic and the dissemination is adversely slanted. The mean of the variable screens was seen as 1213.5238. The middle of the variable was 1028 and there was no mode for this variable. The standard deviation of the variable was 475.0339 (Thiem 2014). This portrays there was moderate variety in the quantity of screens accessible in Australia for screening of films. The state of the conveyance id platykurtic and it is decidedly slanted. The normal estimation of theaters was seen as 545.095. The middle of the variable is 547 and its mode is 520. The standard deviation was 43.34. There was a low deviation in the quantity of theaters open in Australia during 1994 to 2014 (Campbell and Knapp 2013). The state of the circulation is leptokurtic and the conveyance is emphatically slanted. The normal estimation of the variable movies screened was seen as 257.38. The middle worth was 255 and the modular worth was 259 (Ang and Van 2015). The standard deviation was seen as 36.439. This variable had a low deviation of the quantity of theaters opened in these years. The state of the dissemination is leptokurtic and it is contrarily slanted. The mean of the variable genuine ticket cost is 19.779 and its middle is 19.66. the standard deviation of the variable is 0.42 (Kleinbaum et al. 2013). This is an extremely low standard deviation and the cost of the tickets varied small during the time of 1994 to 2014. The state of the conveyance is leptokurtic and the circulation is decidedly slanted. The normal estimation of the variable limit was seen as 362.8095. The middle was 332 and the mode was 295. The standard deviation of the variable was 71.3544. This delineates there was moderate variety among the day by day limit of the clients throughout the years. The state of the dissemination is platykurtic and the conveyance is emphatically slanted. Chart showing the circulation of confirmation Box-and-bristle plot for the circulation of the genuine ticket cost is given underneath The probability that the confirmation is more noteworthy than 70 million when the genuine cost of the ticket is more than $20 is given by P(X Z) = 1 P( X Z) = 1-0.613 = 0.387 (Campbell and Knapp 2013). The confirmations are measurably autonomous of cost. This is on the grounds that the estimation of the chi square test was seen as zero. The possibility table is as per the following: Entirety of likelihood of affirmation Segment Labels Column Labels 28.9 29.7 30.8 35.5 37.4 39 43 46.9 47.2 55.5 68.1 69.9 73.9 76 80 82.2 88 89.8 91.5 92.5 Great Total 19.25-19.35 0.036 0.071 0.107 19.35-19.45 0.030 0.036 0.043 0.063 0.172 19.45-19.55 0.068 0.071 0.139 19.55-19.65 0.024 0.069 0.093 19.65-19.75 0.022 0.029 0.051 19.75-19.85 0.023 0.062 0.084 19.85-19.95 0.027 0.027 19.95-20.05 0.070 0.070 20.05-20.15 0.059 0.059 20.15-20.25 0.057 0.057 20.35-20.45 0.033 0.033 20.45-20.55 0.054 0.054 20.75-20.85 0.052 0.052 Great Total 0.022 0.023 0.024 0.027 0.029 0.030 0.033 0.036 0.036 0.043 0.052 0.054 0.057 0.059 0.062 0.063 0.068 0.069 0.070 0.142 1 The 95% certainty time period theater limit is given by (mean 1.96* s.d.), (mean + 1.96* s.d.) = (460.1412662, 630.0492099) At 5% level of criticalness, the confirmation from 2008 to 2014 had surpassed the steady measure of 84 millions in Taiwan had the theory as follows: H0 = the affirmation from 2008 to 2014 didn't surpass the consistent measure of 84 millions in Taiwan H1 = the affirmation from 2008 to 2014 had surpassed the consistent measure of 84 millions in Taiwan On testing the two factors, the p estimation of the one-followed test was seen as 0.02732, which is not exactly the p esteem (Levy and Lemeshow 2013). The invalid speculation for this situation is dismissed and the affirmation from 2008 to 2014 had surpassed the steady measure of 84 millions in Taiwan. The yield of different straight relapse is given in sheet named relapse in the exceed expectations record. Utilizing the consequence of relapse examination, the theory is as per the following: H0 = there is no distinction between the ticket cost in 2014 and zero at 5% level of importance H1 = there is vary
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Japanese sports Essay Example For Students
Japanese games Essay Japan has numerous games. Some resemble our own and some are most certainly not. Some Japanese practice combative techniques. A couple of training Aikido. Aikido is an act of smooth developments. Aikido is rehearsed to clear your psyche. Judo and Karate are polished mostly for self preservation. They require quick sharp developments. Different games incorporate baseball, ball, golf and skiing. Japans schools resemble some other school you would see here in the U. S. A. There is just a single distinction. They communicate in Japanese. In Japan, understudies go to all year school. All year school is the place they go the school throughout the entire year. Japanese children, as you can envision are most likely more intelligent than us. Japan has given the world numerous excellent things. Their way of life. , conventions and impact have contacted almost every part of our lives. The most respected, in any case, must be in their specialty, regardless of whether it is artworks, engineering, theaters, nurseries or verse. For many years, Japanese artists have composed an extraordinary type of verse called Haiku. A Haiku is a short section about nature. There is consistently an extraordinary example in the quantity of sections. The main line contains five syllables, the subsequent line contains three syllables and the third line has five. Japan has a legislature simply like our own. In Japan urban communities resemble states. There is an Emperor and there is a senator. The urban communities vote in favor of the legislature. The eating regimen makes Japans laws. The eating routine comprises of the House of Representatives and the House of Councilors. The House of Councilors is comprised of 500 and eleven individuals. The House of Counselors is comprised of 200 and fifty two part. Japans most noteworthy court is the Supreme Court. There is a Chief of Justice who the ruler chooses. At that point there are the fourteen different appointed authorities who the bureau casts a ballot in. Japans Armed Forces battle just whenever assaulted first. They keep up air to surface correspondence for self protection. They likewise keep up various airplane, land vehicles, war vessels and losses. As you have perused Japans government is a lot of like our own. The Japanese get around like some other common American. To go from nation to nation they get a plane. At the point when they need to go to a companions house they may walk, ride a bicycle or drive. The Japanese additionally use speedboats or ferrys. They travel to many nations as well. Dialects Japan has numerous dialects. Some of them are Korean, English and Japanese. Japanese is the principle language. The Japanese have lived in Japan for a long time. Not long after they went to Japan they made their own language and called it Japanese. Japans Customs are altogether different from our own. They have strict functions and we dont have a lot of. For example one service is the New Years or Shogatsu. On January first families assemble to drink an exceptional strict shake to guarantee a long and wonderful life. The business rate is 90% utilized and 10% jobless. The Japanese have employments quite recently as we do. Young people in Japan work in McDonalds and Burger King. Grown-ups work in workplaces, at schools, in auto shops and in manufacturing plants. Work as should be obvious, was generally excellent in 1998.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Reflective analysis case studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Intelligent investigation contextual analyses - Essay Example On the night being referred to, as a site chief, I was managing affirmations and bed assignments. An associate who was working inverse was the person on call that night. She got a call from the Critical Care Unit (CCU) at 2300 hours; the CCU medical caretakers portrayed that a female patient was having progressing chest torments following the utilization of the chest; nurture additionally revealed changes in the patient’s ECG perusing; the CCU nurture likewise detailed that the patient was given a glyceryl trinitrate (GTN) shower. My partner and I previously met the patient the earlier night at the Emergency Medical Care (EMC) unit when she was conceded for brevity of breath (SOB), palpitations, and was having pleural emissions depleted. Before we left for the ward, we quick blared the specialist about the patient. We knew from the patient’s affirmation that she was 64 years of age and had a Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) and an Aortic Valve Replacement (AVR) medic al procedure 13 days preceding her confirmation. At the point when we got to the CCU, the patient was incredibly on edge and alarmed; was shy of breath; was having chest torments; and was talking in short sentences. The patient was additionally not perspiring. The CCU nurture previously put her on 15L Oxygen non-rebreath cover. I quickly made my A to G evaluation while my companion assisted with quieting and console the patient. The specialist showed up a couple of moments after we did and he saw the patient quickly, auscultated her chest, and went to the nurses’ station to record his requests on the patient’s graph. I went to the nurses’ station to deliberate with the specialist about his underlying discoveries and his requests. The specialist requested Digoxin 500 mcg to be offered promptly to the patient; he additionally requested an expansion in the treatment portion of clexane to 90 mg. He likewise requested another 12 lead ECG to be done on the patient in 2 hours time; another portion of Digoxin in 6 hours time; IV
Things Fall Apart and The Second Coming Essay -- comparison compare co
Things Fall Apart and The Second Coming The Second Coming By William Butler Yeats Turning and turning in the enlarging gyre The bird of prey can't hear the falconer, Things self-destruct; the inside can't hold; Mere turmoil is released upon the world, The blood-diminished tide is released, and all over The service of guiltlessness is suffocated The best absence everything being equal, while the most noticeably awful Are brimming with energetic force. Chinua Achebe based his story, Things Fall Apart, on the sonnet by William Butler Yeats called The Second Coming. These two bits of writing have numerous similitudes yet no differenc...
Friday, August 21, 2020
Agrarian Domains Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Agrarian Domains - Essay Example The lawful framework and police energized isolation. In any case, past the lawful framework, there was frequently a potential hazard by the fear based oppressor animosity. The Ku Klux Klan, Knights of White Camellia, and different devotees killed a huge number of blacks and a few whites to prevent them from casting a ballot and participating in open life (Stonaker and Shepard, 12). Execution was one of the significant methods of viciousness. Between the year 1884 and 1900, white posses killed around 2,000 blacks in the south. The posses likewise consumed them alive, shot them or even beat them to death. The culprits additionally executed blacks for any debasement of the southern principles and guidelines (16). The southern states affirmed laws in 1800’s that obliged various facilities for blacks and whites in schools. They likewise affirmed laws for various open transportation frameworks, courts, libraries, and graveyards. Furthermore, they additionally affirmed that no dark man would be placed in a comparable crazy safe house with the white man in each southern state. Famously, all the above laws were on the whole alluded to as Jim Crow laws (Schultz and Tishler, 5). The initial move towards the battle for disposal of legitimate isolation happened when minorities individuals, groups of African Americans and some European activists worked together to battle isolation of trains in New Orleans. In 1905, W.E.B. Dubois drove various Black activists at a gathering met in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada to design strategies for end racial isolation and supporter for racial uniformity. In the year 1909, this gathering by dark activists turned into the Niagara Movement, which prompted the arrangement of National Association of the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). This affiliation deliberate its endeavors to battle for the privileges of minorities individuals and testing racial isolation in courts (Stonaker and Shepard,
Monday, August 17, 2020
$1.67 Billion Typo - Forgiven
$1.67 Billion Typo - Forgiven Image via Wikipedia Ive always thought that typos, so long as they are few and far between, are less egregious errors than misspellings and other errors that stem from lack of knowledge. Apparently a U.S. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals judge agrees that people and multi-billion dollar companies who make typos should be given a second chance: Verizon $1.67 bln typo can be fixed: court I imagine my own typos and yours wont have such monumental consequences. Our readers are our judges, and we can only hope they have the same understanding as our nations highest courts. That said, if you are applying for jobs, your resume and cover letter are not the most ideal places to err. Make sure to read, re-read, and re-read again. There’s no need to risk judgment from a hiring manager that costs you a job. For editing help, contact The Essay Expert.
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Hult students take on global case challenges †and win! Hult Blog
In order to provide as many opportunities as possible for our students to apply their knowledge and skills in realistic business scenarios, we regularly run case challenge competitions on campus and encourage participation in national and global competitions. Here is a selection of case challenges and competitions our students have recently participated in, or are currently taking part in, across all our global campuses: 2016 Bridge Case Competition 2 teams of 4 Master of International Marketing students and a team of MBA students from our San Francisco campus won 1st, 2nd and 3rd place respectively in the 2016 Bridge Case Competition. Hult students beat teams from U.C. Berkley and Stanford to make a clean sweep of the podium. The Bridge Case Competition is sponsored by the Bridge organization, which is affiliated with U.C. Berkeley Haas Business School and holds an annual Berkeley Haas Asia Business Conference. The three teams from Hult San Francisco who took 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in the2016 Bridge Case Competition. The focus of the competition is to solve business issues facing startups. This year, Bridge partnered with with Xendit, one of the fastest growing, Y Combinator-backed, peer-to-peer payment apps focused on Southeast Asian countries. The winning Hult team received a prize of $800 and presented their solution to Xendit executives at the Berkeley Haas Asia Business Conference which was also attended by an impressive list of speakers and panelists including Marvin Chow, Senior Marketing Director at Google, Genki Oka, SoftBanks Chief Global Strategist, and Mubarik Imam Head of Growth Partnerships at WhatsApp. The winning team of MIM students: Prashanth Santhanam, Vishnu Shankar, Andy Li, Christy Verheij Emirates NBD Future Intelligence Innovation Challenge Another competition that saw Hult teams take the top three spots was the Emirates NBD Future Intelligence Innovation Challenge held in Dubai. Emirates NBD is a leading bank in the UAE with a multicultural 9,000-strong workforce from over 70 nationalities. The theme of this competition was the development of effective strategies for crowdsourcing ideas regarding the banking industry. The winning team, the DUBAInnovators, comprised 5 MBA students from Hult Dubai who proposed something called the Ideathon-Survey Loop. This was a dual-app strategy for effectively crowdsourcing ideas and systematically refining them into implementable banking solutions. The idea was praised by the judges for it’s business relevance, potential business impact, feasibility, market readiness, originality, and presentation. The winning students were all awarded special internships at Emirates NBD, which will commence in June 2016. The winning Hult team George Baffour, Aditya Yeluru, Jashan Jot Singh, Shruti Kasat, Nikhilesh Kalidasu with members of Emirates NBD George Baffour, a member of the winning team said: â€Å"This competition was a great way to showcase our creativity and prove the industry relevance of Hult’s intense but comprehensive curriculum to real-world business challenges.†LOrà ©al Brandstorm Flying the flag for Hult San Francisco, this time in the LOrà ©al Brandstorm marketing competition, was a team of 2 MIM students and 1 Master of International Business. The team won the converted regional wildcard spot for LOreal’s global competition that has been running since 1992 and gives students the chance to work on real life challenges and be coached by top LOrà ©al executives. The Hult team will join 5 other teams from universities including UCLA and NYU for the national U.S. final in New York at the end of April. If they win the national final, they will go to the global finals in Paris, France. Team In-View from Hult San Francisco, winners of the LOreal Brandstorm wildcard spot Sandra Beltran, Georgio Dal Pra, and Iku Hirosaki KPMG Ace the Case and International Case Competition Over at our Dubai campus, a team of Hult MBA students is on its way to the global finals of KPMG’s International Case Competition after winning the national Ace the Case competition in the U.A.E. This is the third year in row that has seen a Hult team win the national competition and compete in the global finals. The winning team Amit Dahiwadkar, Sheila Amadu, Dileepa Peiris, and Pedro Costa delivering their winning pitch to ten KPMG partners. Square One Challenge with Bosch The Square One Challenge is a Hult run initiative that sees us partner with multinationals and local businesses alike to have our students solve a real business issue the company is currently facing. At our Shanghai campus, following on from the Square One Challenge with Intel back in October, 41 students formed 8 teams to take on a China-specific challenge set by Bosch executive and ex venture capitalist, Leo Wong. Bosch asked Hult Shanghai students to develop a strategy that would see Bosch establish a dominant position in the Internet of Things ecosystem in China over the next 2-3 years. Students from EMBA, MBA and Masters programs formed cross-program teams and began developing a strategy on Friday afternoon, working through the weekend, and delivering their pitch on the Monday afternoon. All the teams offered innovative and creative ideas but the winning team was chosen on the basis of their very pragmatic solution that was both tailor made for the Chinese market and addressed the topical issue of sustainability. They proposed that Bosch partner with the Chinese government to tackle air quality by mandating that all cell phones be fitted with a Bosch air quality monitor. The monitor would collect, track, and store pollution data in real time allowing the government to identify problem areas, track migration, and pinpoint possible causes. Leo Wong gave individual feedback to every team and shared his personal contact details with the students should any of them be interested in pursuing an internship with Bosch. Square One Challenge with LookUp Over at Hult Boston, we teamed up with Hult alum Maria Dolores (Loli) Lopez-Montenegro who posed a challenge exclusively to our Masters of International Marketing students. Master of International Marketing students at Hult Boston taking on LookUps Square One Challenge Ms Lopez- Montenegro has launched an ingenious language-learning app called LookUp that already has a healthy user base. 23 students formed 5 teams to propose a marketing solution to expand LookUp’s user base. The teams were asked to tackle three main tasks as part of the solution: identify the target audience for the app, validate the product positioning, and develop future business strategies. There was great engagement from the students who relished the opportunity to put their learning to the test. As Florentine Achammer, a current MIM student at Hult Boston, put it: â€Å"This challenge is a great learning opportunity to apply our theatrical knowledge to a practical, real-time project.†LookUp were also very pleased with the solutions students came up with. Ms Lopez- Montenegro said: â€Å"We were very impressed with the depth of the work and innovative ideas that Hult students suggested, they did a great job.†Google Online Marketing Challenge Over on the Hult San Francisco campus, we ran infosessions on the Google Online Marketing Challenge which always sees high numbers of students participating every year. The GOMC is a unique opportunity for students to participate in a global digital marketing competition involving over 20,000 teams per year. Working in a team of 3-6 people, and with a $250 AdWords advertising budget provided by Google, students develop and run an online advertising campaign for a business or non-profit organization over a three-week period. This is an outstanding opportunity to learn some cutting edge digital marketing techniques and we provide a great deal of support to those students who want to take part. Starting in April, run informal workshops to help students understand how to use Adwords, how to structure an ad campaign, and specifically to guide them through the steps of the Challenge. We also provide each active team with a mentor who is an experienced AdWords practitioner. A Hult student who took part in the GMOC last year had this to say about the experience: â€Å"I learned how to use AdWords, manage and motivate my team, solve all the challenges which came along our way during that time and I got hired for 3 months on a practicum. â€Å" Nespresso 2016 MBA Sustainability Challenge A team of 4 MBA students at our London campus were mentored by their professor and supported by their fellow students in their entry to the Nespresso 2016 MBA Sustainability Challenge. The competition is intended to provide a real-world experience for students and encourage healthy competition, professionalism, and interaction by future business leaders, both among themselves and with the business community. The case study is based on the results of extensive research carried out on Nespresso sustainable sourcing of coffee. We’d like to offer a huge congratulations to all our students who have taken part in these competitions and wish those still competing the very best of luck. We will keep you updated on their progress! Read more about how Hult exposes students to real-life business challenges in these articles: Using business simulations in the classroom The Hult Prize: the biggest student entrepreneurship competition in the world If you would like to find out more about Hult’s global business programs, download a brochure here. Kickstart your career in a state-of-the-art innovation hub by studying at Hults Dubai business school. To find out more, take a look at our blog Discover Hult life in Dubai. Download a brochure or get in touch today to find out how Hult can help you to learn about the business world, the future, and yourself. Hult Rotation offers you a chance to study in a truly global way. Our rotation program allows you to study and be immersed in some of the finest cities in the world. 📠¸: @jasminmanzano . Hult Rotation offers you a chance to study in a truly global way. Our rotation program allows you to study and be immersed in some of the finest cities in the world. 📠¸: @jasminmanzano . Each year, Hult seeks to enroll a talented and ambitious incoming class from all over the world. We look for diverse students with a wide range of experiences, perspectives, and interestsâ€â€students who will thrive in our unique educational atmosphere. Are you ready for a truly global experience? 📠¸: @iambrunadiniz . Each year, Hult seeks to enroll a talented and ambitious incoming class from all over the world. We look for diverse students with a wide range of experiences, perspectives, and interestsâ€â€students who will thrive in our unique educational atmosphere. Are you ready for a truly global experience? 📠¸: @iambrunadiniz . We’re excited to start 2020 on a ranking high! Hult is proud to have been placed #28 in Poets Quants 2020 rankings for Best Undergraduate Business Schools in the US. Taking a huge leap of 32 places from our 2019 position, we’re also very happy to have secured top positions in key categories like: life-changing experience, practicality of the degree, and global immersion. . With five global campuses, a student body of over 130 nationalities, and a learn-by-doing approachâ€â€Hult offers a student experience like no other. . We’re excited to start 2020 on a ranking high! Hult is proud to have been placed #28 in Poets Quants 2020 rankings for Best Undergraduate Business Schools in the US. Taking a huge leap of 32 places from our 2019 position, we’re also very happy to have secured top positions in key categories like: life-changing experience, practicality of the degree, and global immersion. . With five global campuses, a student body of over 130 nationalities, and a learn-by-doing approachâ€â€Hult offers a student experience like no other. . â€Å"I’m from an engineering background and needed a whole new skill set for the industry I wanted to switch to. I learned a lot about myself and how I deal with being out of my comfort zone. I learned both soft and hard skills, from how to work in very diverse teams to key accounting metrics and strategy. I was surprised by how weak I was at certain tasks in English or how strong I actually was in other areas. Hult gave me opportunities to try new things and meet people from places I never thought I would have friends. . My internship experiences gave me the chance to broaden my view of different cultures and different companies. I had the opportunity to work and live with people whose values differed from people in my home country. I thought that this would be difficult, but it gave me the chance to reflect on my own values and assess if they were a result of my home country environment or if they were intrinsically mine. . Diederick ter Kulve (@diederick.terkulve) Netherlands Masters in International Business . â€Å"I’m from an engineering background and needed a whole new skill set for the industry I wanted to switch to. I learned a lot about myself and how I deal with being out of my comfort zone. I learned both soft and hard skills, from how to work in very diverse teams to key accounting metrics and strategy. I was surprised by how weak I was at certain tasks in English or how strong I actually was in other areas. Hult gave me opportunities to try new things and meet people from places I never thought I would have friends. . My internship experiences gave me the chance to broaden my view of different cultures and different companies. I had the opportunity to work and live with people whose values differed from people in my home country. I thought that this would be difficult, but it gave me the chance to reflect on my own values and assess if they were a result of my home country environment or if they were intrinsically mine. . Diederick ter Kulve (@diederick.terkulve) Netherlands Masters in International Business . Say a big hello to our Bachelor of Business Administration program cover star, Elisa Orus Plana âÅ" ¨ . â€Å"I’m excited for the futureâ€â€especially that I cant predict whats going to happen. Maybe Ill end up in Mexico working for a trading company or maybe in Africa, developing my own business. Everything is possible, and the options are constantly changing. I love the idea that Im never going to be stuck doing the same job until the end of my life if I dont want it to be like this. . Hult really supports me and my ambitions and truly believes that we deserve to be considered as professionals as well as students. Here, I get to express not just my opinions but all elements of myself. From my creative side with the Fashion Society to my finance and business sides in Trading Club and the Management Consulting Club. We get a different type of learning here. Not just essential knowledge and theory, but practical skills and mindset. The school is always evolving. We’re encouraged to innovate and to always look for new ways of doing traditional things. We learn how to be more confident and become aware of how we can impact our environment. The school aims to help you become a better version of yourself and to stand out from the crowd.â€Å" . Elisa Orus Plana French Bachelor of Business Administration Class of 2021 Say a big hello to our Bachelor of Business Administration program cover star, Elisa Orus Plana âÅ" ¨ . â€Å"I’m excited for the futureâ€â€especially that I cant predict whats going to happen. Maybe Ill end up in Mexico working for a trading company or maybe in Africa, developing my own business. Everything is possible, and the options are constantly changing. I love the idea that Im never going to be stuck doing the same job until the end of my life if I dont want it to be like this. . Hult really supports me and my ambitions and truly believes that we deserve to be considered as professionals as well as students. Here, I get to express not just my opinions but all elements of myself. From my creative side with the Fashion Society to my finance and business sides in Trading Club and the Management Consulting Club. We get a different type of learning here. Not just essential knowledge and theory, but practical skills and mindset. The school is always evolving. We’re encouraged to innovate and to always look for new ways of doing traditional things. We learn how to be more confident and become aware of how we can impact our environment. The school aims to help you become a better version of yourself and to stand out from the crowd.â€Å" . Elisa Orus Plana French Bachelor of Business Administration Class of 2021"> During the final days of 2019, you probably reflected on what you’ve accomplished this yearâ€â€and even this decadeâ€â€and what you’d like to achieve in 2020. Let us know in the comments below. During the final days of 2019, you probably reflected on what you’ve accomplished this yearâ€â€and even this decadeâ€â€and what you’d like to achieve in 2020. Let us know in the comments below. â€Å"The first time we did group work on the program, I went head-to-head with a colleague. It taught me a lot about how I see people, how people see me, and how conflict can be resolved in a kind and productive way. The best feedback you get, when delivered constructively, is the most critical because it really feeds into how you lead. I’ve completely reversed my leadership styleâ€â€the result is so much richer and more powerful when you lead from behind and lead with strength. . Studying in tandem with working, whilst challenging, gave me the perfect platform to directly apply learning concepts into my business environment, the competitive landscape, and the real-estate industry as a whole. When I started the program, I was very happy in my corporate role. But my courage and aspirations grew to the point that I took on a whole new direction. Having my career coach, Joanna, as a sounding board allowed me to really be strategic and get to know myself. She coached me thro ugh all the interviews, the research, and the questions. It went in parallel with what I was doing academically and after six months everything just clicked. . I went into the EMBA knowing I had nothing to lose and I’ve come out with everything. Great strength, global friends, amazing learning, mentors from professors, a job I love, and the knowledge that I can set my mind to achieve anything and with the right support and resources I’ll get there.†. Kashani Wijetunga British, New Zealand Sri Lankan Associate Director Senior Strategy Consultant CBRE EMBA Class of 2019 . â€Å"The first time we did group work on the program, I went head-to-head with a colleague. It taught me a lot about how I see people, how people see me, and how conflict can be resolved in a kind and productive way. The best feedback you get, when delivered constructively, is the most critical because it really feeds into how you lead. I’ve completely reversed my leadership styleâ€â€the result is so much richer and more powerful when you lead from behind and lead with strength. . Studying in tandem with working, whilst challenging, gave me the perfect platform to directly apply learning concepts into my business environment, the competitive landscape, and the real-estate industry as a whole. When I started the program, I was very happy in my corporate role. But my courage and aspirations grew to the point that I took on a whole new direction. Having my career coach, Joanna, as a sounding board allowed me to really be strategic and get to know myself. She coached me thro ugh all the interviews, the research, and the questions. It went in parallel with what I was doing academically and after six months everything just clicked. . I went into the EMBA knowing I had nothing to lose and I’ve come out with everything. Great strength, global friends, amazing learning, mentors from professors, a job I love, and the knowledge that I can set my mind to achieve anything and with the right support and resources I’ll get there.†. Kashani Wijetunga British, New Zealand Sri Lankan Associate Director Senior Strategy Consultant CBRE EMBA Class of 2019 . â€Å"It was now or never. I knew that I’d have likely stayed in my neighborhood for years to come if I didn’t take this opportunity. I’d not lived or studied outside of the U.S. before. So I left my job as a global strategist at an advertising agency and moved halfway around the world. I’ve come back a more culturally aware, well-versed person. I’ve realized that everything is a learning experience and an opportunity for growth. Ill definitely carry this mindset with me into the future. Technology and social media allow us to be different people in several places at once. Im excited to see how I can establish myself in whatever city Ill be lucky enough to call home and still maintain deep connections with people all over the world. I’m inspired by my classmates every day. Hearing some of their life stories and how getting this degree fits into their greater mission has been very humbling. My biggest challenge has been finding the ‘right’ path for me. There have been rooms Ive felt like I shouldnt be in, but now Im proud to feel as though I truly belong, wherever I am.†. Dwayne Logan, Jnr. American MBA Class of 2019 . â€Å"It was now or never. I knew that I’d have likely stayed in my neighborhood for years to come if I didn’t take this opportunity. I’d not lived or studied outside of the U.S. before. So I left my job as a global strategist at an advertising agency and moved halfway around the world. I’ve come back a more culturally aware, well-versed person. I’ve realized that everything is a learning experience and an opportunity for growth. Ill definitely carry this mindset with me into the future. Technology and social media allow us to be different people in several places at once. Im excited to see how I can establish myself in whatever city Ill be lucky enough to call home and still maintain deep connections with people all over the world. I’m inspired by my classmates every day. Hearing some of their life stories and how getting this degree fits into their greater mission has been very humbling. My biggest challenge has been finding the ‘right’ path for me. There have been rooms Ive felt like I shouldnt be in, but now Im proud to feel as though I truly belong, wherever I am.†. Dwayne Logan, Jnr. American MBA Class of 2019 . Happy New Year, Hultians! . Happy New Year, Hultians! .
Sunday, May 24, 2020
China And Japan During The Age Of Imperialism - 2077 Words
Pavin Kaler 211347747 April 16th, 2015 Professor Joe Kispal-Kovacs Modern Era Comparative Essay China and Japan in the Age of Imperialism 1 LENGTH: 2000-2500 words (7-8 pages) Explore secondary scholarly sources outside of your course textbooks. You must develop a thesis statement, undertake scholarly research, and integrate your findings into an argumentative essay. The type of essay is comparative; you must compare and contrast specific aspect of two nations (or cultural zones) in two different time periods. Topic: Transformations in Political Structures. Both countries experienced revolutions as a reaction to colonization attempts. Page 686 SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Choose ONE topic. This is the â€Å"frame of reference†of the â€Å"context†within which you will compare and contrast two nations/periods. - The idea and/or practice of revolution - Colonization and its consequences - Economic development - Transformations in political structures - The Impact of a Technological Development - Popular Culture and Leisure Practices - Media (Print or Electronic) and Society - Gender roles - Class struggle 2. Select TWO nations (or cultural zones) during two specific time periods in the modern era (example: Britain in the 19th century or China in the early 10th century) that you would like to learn more about/undertake a comparativeShow MoreRelatedWestern Imperialism and Modern East Asia Essay example1188 Words  | 5 PagesWestern imperialism in East Asia caused many tribulations for China, Japan, and Korea but also helped them to become contemporary nations. The East Asian countries were tremendously affected by unequal treaties, extraterritoriality, and above all, technology. Great Britain encroached upon China their greed for open trade with the Chinese empire resulting in the deterioration of the Chinese culture, which led to the emergence of a modernized civilization. Japan was co-subjugated by Russia and theRead MoreEffects Of Ww1 On South And East Asia1285 Words  | 6 Pagesstructure of Japan. Some the political changes include all of German possessions being transfe rred to Japan, the affect of the Indian Nationalist Movement on India, and the growth of communism in China. The growth of Japan was seen as an geographical and economic change because the alliance with Britain made Japan wealthier and gained them more land. In addition, The Great Depression was seen as an economic change because when it took place the value of Japanese exports decreased. In China there’s aRead MoreAmerican Imperialism Research Study Essay1423 Words  | 6 PagesAssociate Program Material Appendix A American Imperialism Part 1 Complete the chart by identifying the following: †¢ Identify the countries or areas where the United States engaged in imperialistic actions during the period from about 1870 to 1914. †¢ Discuss why each area was important to American empire buildingâ€â€political, economic, and social. †¢ Explain America’s expansionist ideals. What were some factors that justified American imperialist actions? †¢ Identify the current politicalRead MoreNew Imperialism Influence on China Essay586 Words  | 3 Pagesof western powers, China was very stable, agricultural, and ethnocentric. They had many factories that produced silk, cotton, and porcelain with their natural resources: salt, tin, silver, and iron mines. They had no interest of trade or interaction with foreigners. From the early eighteenth century, European and American Imperialism spread throughout China with a goal to extend their nation’s power. China was one of many territories that undertook the changes of New Imperialism. By 1912, the countryRead MoreThe Far Reaching Effects of Imperialism1323 Words  | 5 PagesWith the dawn of the Industrial Age near the beginning of the nineteenth century also came with the rise of nationalism, or the belief that a country’s way of life was superior to others. Nationalistic ideologies, born in the coal ovens of Industry, soon gave way to systems of imperialism that would quickly take hold in other parts of the world. For the purposes of this essay, can be broadly defined as a symbiotic relationship between an industrialized state and an agrarian state in which the industrializedRead MoreThe Struggle Of The Asian Powers1173 Words  | 5 Pages29, 2015 The Struggle of the Asian Powers During the â€Å"Age of Imperialism†, which lasted through the entire nineteenth century, most countries/ areas outside of North America and Europe struggled to adjust industry based economies. Asian countries were left with a dilemma: industrialize quickly or become subjects of western powers. Although some Asian countries were conquered many of them become world powers by the twentieth century. Japan’s goal during the nineteenth century was to â€Å"catch up†toRead MoreSocial Consequences During The Industrial Revolution923 Words  | 4 Pagesmachinery. But in the Industrialization age, there was a shift to powerful, multi-purpose machines, and big factories. This Industrial age brought forward thousands of jobs for the men, women, and children. The Industrial Revolution did bring a surplus and diversity of manufactured goods and improved the living in some of the middle class and the wealth, but it also resulted in the atrocious living and working conditions for the poor and working class. During the Industrial Revolution, the populationRead MoreU.s Expansionism : Manifest Destiny1363 Words  | 6 Pagesits course to venture into the Pacific in order to augment trade and concoct an influx of commerce.Captain Alfred T. Mahan, a leading expansionist, forewarned that the Pacific could be entered and controlled only by a vigorous contest.†(The Age of Imperialism). Mahan firmly believed that a powerful navy was required for America’s survival. That being the case, Mahan was concerned with whether or not the American government would be able to guarantee access to the new international markets. SecuringRead MoreImperialism : The Age Of New Imperialism1048 Words  | 5 PagesImperialism is defined as a strong economic and political empire takes over a weaker economic and political empire. Stronger empires conquered weaker empires to industrialize the land and to weaken other threating empires. To build a strong empire, a nation must use their military pow er to conquer a weaker nation, take the supplies and goods to support the mother nation, and use the supplies and goods to benefit your own empire by conquering even more empires. Imperialism did not begin in the twentiethRead MoreEssay on China, India, and Japan Responds to Western Imperialism2293 Words  | 10 PagesCHINA, INDIA, AND JAPAN RESPONDS TO WESTERN IMPERIALISM C. H. HIS 351 Asia in Age of Decolonization and Globalization August 2012 Western imperialism or expansion ignored a country’s sovereign right to self-rule and independence from dominant foreign powers. Using the premise of colonization or Manifest Destiny, the search for trade routes, raw goods and materials, and cheap sources of labor legitimized imperialistic might. Whether it was the undiscovered countries of the Americas, the dark
Monday, May 18, 2020
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Irony and Social Commentary in Pride and Prejudice Essay
Irony and social commentary in â€Å"Pride and Prejudice†Like any other society, nineteenth-century England had its share of foppish fools and fawning leeches, hot-blooded lovers and garrulous, gossiping women. While few people exhibit these failings with abandonment, few escape their taint altogether. In the novel â€Å"Pride and Prejudice,†the author Jane Austen satirizes these instances of – not social evils– rather, unpleasant social peculiarities, via a most careful use of irony in the dialogues and thoughts of some of her most delightful characters. The main character indulging in this precious commodity is Mr. Bennet, whom Austen considers important enough that a razor-sharp wit forms a necessary part of his personality. The irony†¦show more content†¦Bingley’s dancing partners: â€Å"If he had had any compassion for me [...] he would not have danced half so much! [...] Oh! That he had sprained his ancle in the first dance!†(8). It is 2 Joshi clear that this line does not show malice on his part against Bingley. Rather, it is an instance of irony which pints out and criticizes the extreme talkativeness of his wife. On another occasion, when Mr. Bennet is accused by his wife for not having any compassion on her nerves, he conjures up a most delightful repartee: â€Å"You mistake me, my dear. I have a high respect for your nerves. They are my old friends. I have heard you mention them with consideration these twenty years at least†(2). This piece of sarcasm informs the reader of Mrs. Bennet’s loquaciousness and her husband’s impatience with it. Mr. Bennet appears to have the same opinion of two of his daughters: Lydia and Catherine, whose â€Å"effusions†about the officers stationed in nearby Meryton leads him to observe disdainfully, â€Å"From all that I can collect by your manner of talking, you must be two of the silliest girls in the country†. When rebuked by his wife for saying this, his retort is priceless: â€Å"If my children are silly I must hope to be always sensible of it†(19). The antithesis constructed by juxtaposing â€Å"silly†and â€Å"sensible†creates a delicious effect of irony that adds weight to his earlier criticism of his daughters’ folly. Austen thereby criticizes the garrulousness rampantShow MoreRelatedJane Austen’s Novel Pride and Prejudice Essay874 Words  | 4 Pagesmarriage for the English novelist, Jane Austen. Her realism, biting irony and social commentary have gained her historical importance among scholars and critics (Southam). Austen’s major novels, including Pride and Prejudice, were composed between the years 1795-1815. During those twenty years England was at the height of its power facing many historical landmarks (Thomson). It is no coincidence that Jane Austen’s novel, Pride and Prejudice, coincides directly with the historical events of this time periodRead More Austens Manipulation of the Readers Emotions Towards Characters in Pride and Prejudice1403 Words  | 6 PagesAusten s Manipulation of the Readers Emotions Towards Characters in Pride and Prejudice In her novels, Jane Austen employs the timelessly effective characterization agents of dialogue, action, and point of view to cleverly manipulate the reader’s emotions towards the characters. Austen successfully creates heroins in a time that it was not social acceptable to think of women in a heroic role. She is so successful in applying these characterization techniques in her story lines that she Read MorePride and Prejudice1472 Words  | 6 PagesElizabeth#8217;s Pride and Darcy#8217;s Prejudice? Jane Austen#8217;s Pride and Prejudice is a timeless social comedy which is both satirical and full of sentiment. The title refers to the personalities of the two main characters and cues the reader to Austen#8217;s broader thematic purpose: to satirize nineteenth century manners and morals, especially as they relate to courtship and manners. Although both characters contain both these traits, it is mainly Mr. Darcy who exemplifies #8216;pride#8217;Read MoreJane Austen s Pride And Prejudice1366 Words  | 6 PagesPride and Prejudice, written by Jane Austen, is a humorous portrayal of the social atmosphere of late eighteenth and early nineteenth century England. The novel is much more than a comedic love story. However, through Austen’s subtle and ironic style, it addresses economic, political, feminist, sociological, philosophical themes, inspiring a great deal of diverse critical commentary on the meaning of the work. The proposal of the Mr. Collins to Elizabeth occurs in Chapter 19 of the novel and is aRead More A Comparison of Charles Dickens and Jane Austen Essay2446 Words  | 10 Pageswould make a lasting impression on the literary world for generations. Hard Times, often referred to as Dickens’ ‘Industrial novel’ and Austen’s Pride and Prejudice have been much read and well-loved classics for many years. It is the purpose of this essay to compare and contrast the different worlds depicted in both Hard Times and Pride and Prejudice. It will also look at the literary development between the early and late nineteenth-century. The essay will end with the examination of the Read MoreThe Different Types of Marriages Presented in Pride and Prejudice1822 Words  | 8 PagesDiscuss the different types of marriages presented in Pride and Prejudice and what this tells you about the different attitudes to marriage in the early nineteenth century. Austen opens this book with a cynical commentary on the Eighteenth Century conception of the value of love - It is a truth universally acknowledged that a gentleman in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife! Throughout the book, there are many insights into different beliefs on why to marry. MarryingRead MoreThe Effects Of Emotional Appeals On The Mind Of Reasoning1728 Words  | 7 Pagesliterature. Her realism, biting irony and social commentary also gained her historical importance among scholars and critics. She was educated primarily by her father and older brothers and also by her own readings that she did. Since her teenage years to her late thirties, she experimented with various literary forms. This book â€Å"Sense and sensibility†was published in 1811 and also achieved success as a published writer. Her novels, including â€Å"Pride and Prejudice†and â€Å"Sense and sensibility†areRead MoreThe Black And White Communities And Their Significance3543 Words  | 15 PagesExplore the ways Lee presents the black and white communities and their significance in the novel ‘To Kill A Mockingbird.’ This novel is set in the Alabama in the 1930’s where segregation and prejudice had kept its stance on the other hand in North of America it had been eradicated. The separation of American states from the civil war was still kept in peoples minds, thus the hatred still existed between the two territories. This bring us to Maycomb , a small county in Alabama that didn’t expandRead MoreThe Great Gatsby Analysis Essay2075 Words  | 9 Pagesdifferent connotative innuendos. Irony is also observed through the use of this opulent diction because it contrasts with the character of Gatsby. Before Gatsby got into business he was a normal middle class man and he will always be that man no matter how many material objects he obtains. The language used in this novel reflects the speakers social class very clearly and the reader can see that most of the characters are part of the higher levels on the social ladder. There are also a few referencesRead MoreANALIZ TEXT INTERPRETA TION AND ANALYSIS28843 Words  | 116 Pagesï » ¿TEXT INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS The purpose of Text Interpretation and Analysis is a literary and linguistic commentary in which the reader explains what the text reveals under close examination. Any literary work is unique. It is created by the author in accordance with his vision and is permeated with his idea of the world. The reader’s interpretation is also highly individual and depends to a great extent on his knowledge and personal experience. That’s why one cannot lay down a fixed â€Å"modelâ€
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Conflicting Tensions Of The Juvenile Justice System
The Conflicting Tensions of the Juvenile Justice System Alisa Koyama SW 500 University of Washington During the Progressive Era - a period of industrialization, capitalism, and stratification of the class system - reformers helped establish the juvenile justice system as a way to decrease the rising juvenile crimes while also maintaining the dignity of the ‘uncontaminated’ and therefore deserving youth (Platt, 1977; Peirce, 1869). However, in reality, the complicated nature of working with children and crime have left the juvenile justice system continue to struggle with clarifying and following through with its mission. As social workers, whose mission is to strive for social justice as well as pay â€Å"particular attention to the needs and empowerment of people who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty†(NASW, 1996), it is critical that we look more closely at the reasoning behind why we are still unable to define and follow through with what social justice looks like for these youth 200 years later. While the original intentions of the system was to provide rehabilitation instead of punishment, the implications of working with deserving youth as opposed to undeserving adults, the controlling tendency when addressing crime, and the unresolved debate on person or environment as a source of crime have lend itself to be in contradictions between its intent and its approach. To tell the whole story of the juvenile justice system or identify each of the 200 yearsShow MoreRelatedSocial Issues Should Serve As A Guide Rather Than A Solidified Model3239 Words  | 13 Pages The previous decades being filled with social and political unrest the 1980’s catapulted the United States into a period of reflective yearning; highlighting the conflicting desires of the government to return to a time of simplicity and success, and of the citizens to focus their attention internally rather than outwardly (Lilly, Cullen, Ball, 2011, Pg. 297-299). The impact of this conflict is a breeding ground for disruptive behavior and social unrest, the result of which perpetuates aversionRead MoreThe Impact Of Media On The Public s Perception Of Law Enforcement And The Criminal Justice System1751 Words  | 8 PagesPolicing the Media: A literature review of the Role the Media Plays in the Public’s Perception of Law Enforcement and the Criminal Justice System. The role the mass media plays in the public perception of Law Enforcement and the Criminal Justice System is potentially important in relation to the viewer’s attitude and beliefs. Does the general public support law enforcement or does the media create a negative perception of the police in the press and on network television? The CSI Effect has gainedRead MoreTherapeutic Jurisprudence And The Uniform Code Of Military Justice7095 Words  | 29 Pages THERAPEUTIC JURISPRUDENCE AND THE UNIFORM CODE OF MILITARY JUSTICE (UCMJ) Lorna Kennedy* I. INTRODUCTION In recent years scholars, throughout the legal and educational domain, have considered a vast range of topics through a Therapeutic Jurisprudence (TJ) lens, to include, the characteristics of mental disability law, family law, criminal law and criminal procedure, employment law, gay rights law, and tort law. But, nowhere has there been a comprehensive plea for therapeutic jurisprudenceRead MoreTherapeutic Jurisprudence And The Uniform Code Of Military Justice7095 Words  | 29 Pages THERAPEUTIC JURISPRUDENCE AND THE UNIFORM CODE OF MILITARY JUSTICE (UCMJ) Lorna Kennedy* I. INTRODUCTION In recent years scholars, throughout the legal and educational domain, have considered a vast range of topics through a Therapeutic Jurisprudence (TJ) lens, to include, the characteristics of mental disability law, family law, criminal law and criminal procedure, employment law, gay rights law, and tort law. But, nowhere has there been a comprehensive plea for therapeutic jurisprudenceRead MoreInvestigating Crime and Relevant Issues Essay7311 Words  | 30 Pagesservice or imprisonment. Although criminal activity is seen by society to be morally wrong, and is punishable, people still continue to commit crime. Forensic psychology attempts to apply psychological principles to the criminal justice system. For many years psychologists have tried to explain why some individuals will continue to commit crime. There are now several different psychological approaches that are used to explain crime, including the biological approach, theRead MoreHunyango Sa Bato - Abdon Balde Jr.6135 Words  | 25 Pagesstatements that damage the victim’s self-esteem are also common verbal forms of emotional abuse. Often perpetrators will use children to engage in emotional abuse by teaching them to harshly criticize the victim as well.[48] Emotional abuse includes conflicting actions or statements which are designed to confuse and create insecurity in the victim. These behaviors also lead the victim to question themselves, causing them to believe that they are making up the abuse or that the abuse is their fault.[40] Read MoreMedia Law: Defamation, Copyright, Etc23627 Words  | 95 Pagesa law of defamation? Every member of society has an interest in retaining his or her personal reputation and standing. All members of the community also have an interest in a free flow of information and communication. There is a tension between these two interests. The law represents a balance between personal interests in reputation on one hand and community interests in free speech and an uninhibited flow of information and opinions on the other. The law of defamationRead MoreMedia Law: Defamation, Copyright, Etc23639 Words  | 95 PagesWhy a law of defamation? Every member of society has an interest in retaining his or her personal reputation and standing. All members of the community also have an interest in a free flow of information and communication. There is a tension between these two interests. The law represents a balance between personal interests in reputation on one hand and community interests in free speech and an uninhibited flow of information and opinions on the other. The law of defamationRead MoreAmerican Civil Rights Movement Essay15820 Words  | 64 Pages Douglas Fairbanks and Charlie Chaplin joined with Griffith and created a company United Artists. The names of the first American actors and actresses were never mentioned. They were known by their nicknames, f.e. Little Mary. In the 20th the system of film stars appeared. The most popular types of women were the vamp-woman like Teda Bara and Pola Negry, girls from high society like Colin Moor and Louise Brooks, simple women like Gloria Swenson and Greta Garbo, innocent girls like Lillian GishRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 PagesMcKeown 9 †¢ 2 Twentieth-Century Urbanization: In Search of an Urban Paradigm for an Urban World †¢ Howard Spodek 53 3 Women in the Twentieth-Century World Bonnie G. Smith 83 4 The Gendering of Human Rights in the International Systems of Law in the Twentieth Century †¢ Jean H. Quataert 116 5 The Impact of the Two World Wars in a Century of Violence †¢ John H. Morrow Jr. 161 6 Locating the United States in Twentieth-Century World History †¢ Carl J. Guarneri 213
A New Definition of Environmentalism Free Essays
Environmentalism is believed to be a movement, â€Å"especially in politics and consumer affairs†(â€Å"Environmentalism,†2007). However, politicians and the media continue to disagree about the connection between anthropo genic greenhouse gas emissions and climate change (Oreskes, 2004). Those that actively work to protect nature against abuse are referred to as environmentalists or people who are part of the â€Å"environmental community†(Shellenberger Nordhaus, 2005). We will write a custom essay sample on A New Definition of Environmentalism or any similar topic only for you Order Now  The essay about an individual working to protect nature by changing his or her habits and activities is, therefore, a breath of fresh air. Indeed, it is possible for all individuals to work on protecting nature by changing their habits and activities. While politicians and the media may continue to disagree about the relationship between global warming and anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, the individual who deeply contemplates the consequences of his or her habits and activities is wiser for sure. He or she does not need to join the so-called â€Å"environmental community†(Shellenberger Nordhaus). Neither does it matter that others may disagree with him or her. Rather, it is the here and now that the individual protector of the environment is concerned with. The essay about the individual protector of the environment thereby calls for a new definition of environmentalism: it is a movement, especially in politics, consumer affairs and individual activities, â€Å"that works towards protecting the natural world from harmful human activities†(â€Å"Environmentalism†). Whereas politics and consumer affairs are concerned with the protection of the environment on behalf of the unaware if not ‘uncertain’ masses, it is the individual protector of the environment that refuses to accept defeat in this regard. He or she does not doubt that his or her activities impact the environment. As a matter of fact, his or her right-mindedness in this matter should be seen as the motive force behind environmental politics and consumer affairs. References Environmentalism. (2007). NineMSN Encarta. Retrieved March 30, 2008, from /DictionaryResults.aspx?refid=18616 Oreskes, N. (2004). Beyond The Ivory Tower: The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change. Science 306 (5702): 1686. Retrieved March 30, 2008, from Shellenberger, M., Nordhaus, T. (2005). The Death of Environmentalism: Global Warming Politics in a Post-environmental World. Retrieved March 30, 2008, from How to cite A New Definition of Environmentalism, Papers
Is it Glorious to Die for your Country Essay Example For Students
Is it Glorious to Die for your Country? Essay Is it glorious to die for your country?. This question has been posed to many young people about to embark on war although the answer has usually been yes in response to their country due mainly to the fact that the government instills it in the people of the country to support ones country and one way is to send young abled bodied men into the army. If you were one individual that was not in favour of fighting for your country you would surely become an outcast by the countries people. To avoid ridicule and becoming outcasted by the people living around you, you would join the army just in the thought that you were obligated to for the sole sake of your country. Such thoughts were reinforced by the government promotion of propaganda. Glorifying death is not needed to be taught and should be up to the sole individual. School systems should teach an unbiased point of view of war to enable the child to make their own decision to fight for ones country.Is it Glorious to Die for your Cou ntry? Within the education system it was instructed to the teachers to teach the children at a young age during the brink of war to instill that their the life of the country and for them to defend their country against the enemy. Teachers showed being in a army was representing honour and the pride of the country. Guilt was laid on the students who showed rebellion by the teacher. Many times the teacher would try to show a soldier that looks happy and content trying to represent being a soldier makes you happy and content. Many young inexperienced soldiers were sent to training camps near the battle fields that they would soon be sent to fight, for their country and their life. The training camps were situated on similar enviroments that resembled the battle fields of where the fighting would take place. Reinforced displine to the young and ignorant men. Trench warfare is when many soldiers of opposing countries fight against each other across a vast desolate, dirt covered land, and the only sense of cover was to crouch in a usually water logged trench. The sense of death engulfed your very soul, the constant bombardment of shells echo in your mind long after it had ceased. On the Western front conditions were horrible to say the least, stench of death remained constantly in the air, bodies riddled with bullet wounds lay across the bottoms of the trenches, dismembered bodies scattered across the landscape and the sounds of agonizing and dying men echo across the battle grounds. Very limited rations offering very little in flavour was the only food available to the soldiers. Often raining, it caused muddy, damp conditions. The men staying in a trench filled with water and muddy conditions often caused such diseases as trench foot and trench mouth. Contagious diseases were spread quickly. Lack of cleaniness gave many soldiers lice and rats would run through the trenches feeding on the garbage and human wastes. Thousands of soldiers would line up under the cover of their trenches for a stretch of miles and wait for the leading officer to give the signal for the charge. When the signal was given the thousands of soldiers would all try to run across the no-mans land to attempt the breach of the enemies trench. This charge would be under constant machine gun fire and mortar shelling by the enemy. These kind of attacks usually failed maily due to the fact the odds were already stacked against the attacking party. The distances the charging men had to run to get to the enemies trench was far enough for the enemy to use its constant shelling and its machine gun fire to dwindle the attacking army significant enough for the attacking army to retreat. .u3273abc6606b4014d787674110919100 , .u3273abc6606b4014d787674110919100 .postImageUrl , .u3273abc6606b4014d787674110919100 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3273abc6606b4014d787674110919100 , .u3273abc6606b4014d787674110919100:hover , .u3273abc6606b4014d787674110919100:visited , .u3273abc6606b4014d787674110919100:active { border:0!important; } .u3273abc6606b4014d787674110919100 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3273abc6606b4014d787674110919100 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3273abc6606b4014d787674110919100:active , .u3273abc6606b4014d787674110919100:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3273abc6606b4014d787674110919100 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3273abc6606b4014d787674110919100 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3273abc6606b4014d787674110919100 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3273abc6606b4014d787674110919100 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3273abc6606b4014d787674110919100:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3273abc6606b4014d787674110919100 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3273abc6606b4014d787674110919100 .u3273abc6606b4014d787674110919100-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3273abc6606b4014d787674110919100:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Ebonics A Bridge to Help Black EssayCounter attacks were quickly attempted after the attacks. The counter attacks were similiar to the actual attacks except the difference was that the counter attack involved the killing of the retreating of the enemy instead of attacking someone under the cover of the trench. During the war all soldiers were affected either physically or phsycologically. Shell shock was an ongoing sickness affecting many soldiers in the trenches. The constant bombardment of mortar shelling became so defeaning and monotonous the sounds of shelling remained with the soldier even when there was no shelling. Such cases became so severe for some the soldier wo uld go in fits of rage and fear at the very same instantance. Virtually all soldiers felt homesick at one time or another. The soldiers being out on the battle fronts for a long time soon forgot the propaganda beliefs the country had instilled the soldiers, instead the soldiers just wanted to survive their tour of duty however long it would be. Death had been experienced and seen by the soldiers on the front for a long time that the themes had become relative to their daily life on the front. Coming back to their homes the soldiers had received and learned of a new perpective on war. It was that when face to face with death the political beliefs that were held were irrevalant when trying to survive in the war. Glorification of death is ridiculous unless you were being attacked and threat of death was present that would be another story but to die for a something many miles away is something that the individual must take in consideration in when making his or her decision. I personal ly would not risk death if friends and family were not at risk. Since our country has become less militarized since WWII the need for military personnel has not been as necessary. But as mentioned before if the country I lived was under a threat of takeover I believe I would take up arms to defend against the people who would try to attack. Other than that the physcological and physical damages soldiers endure would deter me from joining any army.
Monday, May 4, 2020
Digital Leadership in UAE Technological Advancement
Question: Describe about the Digital Leadership in UAE for Technological Advancement. Answer: With the global society undertaking great strides in technological advancement, it becomes paramount for the governments to keep up with the pace. Digitizing governments would no doubt enhance service delivery to all citizens as well as enhance the optimal use of resources (Sheninger 2014). This paper is a discussion of the e-Government, a strategy the United Arab Emirates government can use to digitize itself. Working Title The working title of this research will be Digitizing the Government of United Arab Emirates. Research Methodology Qualitative design data collection: questionnaire, synthesis of literature and case study. Relevant Theories A number of theories will be crucial in ensuring steadfast implementation of the e-Government among them the decentralization theory, which is the equivalent of devolution in political policy making. This theory is anchored on the principle of enhancing the redistribution of resources and even government functions from a central location (Bates 2016). The rationale behind this is ensuring that one does not have to pay a visit to a given government departments office with an aim of getting some crucial documents such as the identification documents. In turn, this can be done from a given departments portal whereby the citizen in need will just have to key in their respective details and thereafter post them to the portal through a computerized system. This will, in turn, be enhanced through the power of democracy The theory of educational leadership will also be pertinent in ensuring that the e-Government is successive by offering civic education to the public. This includes educating the public on their rights and expectations (Holland 2016). The United Arabs Emirates consists of seven states and this implies that the importance of civic education can never be underestimated. This is so since it will serve as the binding element cutting across the seven states. The civic education programs will also serve as platforms through which the leaders will carry out researches on the issues that affect the citizens. This would be made easier by the one on one interaction of the leaders with the citizens. Besides, via the e-Government platform will also have an answers and questions icon which will also serve as an interactive session between the leaders and the leaders. This will be also an avenue for educating the public on some pertinent issues that may be affecting them. Aspects of the Thesis that Will Produces Long-term and Sustainable Knowledge Enhancement of transparency and accountability Enhancement of transparency and accountability will, in turn, lead to long-term and sustainable business environment. Through this aspect, businesses will be in a position to get full knowledge on the utilization of their funds, additionally, it will ensure that the businesses thrive in a favorable environment that is free from the exploitation for instance through corrupt deals by the government. This is in line with the principles of the UN Global pact that dictates that businesses should always strive to work against corruption of all kinds, bribery and extortion included-principle 10 (United Nations Global Pact 2016). Through this aspect, therefore, the business will have the powers to raise any alarm related to any corrupt government ministry and therefore enhance the promotion of integrity for the welfare of the society. Need for digitized government In addition, the aspect of the need for a digitized government would be vital in weeding out corruption from within the government institutions. This is in line with the UAEs Pearl Initiative. This initiative is comprised of anti-corruption groups which act as the societys watchdogs and whistleblowers in case any government official or institution is involved in any corrupt dealings (McAuley 2015). Therefore, the e-Government platform is no doubt a long-term and sustainable program, one that would have a lot of support from the Pearl Initiative. This depicts that with such a platform in place, then the interests of the society will be well catered for and embraced in totality. It is, therefore, apparent that the e-Government strategy will be a crucial one within the entire UAEs society. This is not only because it will be a means of enhancing service delivery to the citizens but also a means of guarding the interests of the society with zeal. This will be through curbing corruption within the government institutions, enhancing equity among all the citizens as well as enhancing transparency and accountability at all levels of the government. Besides, as demonstrated above, the strategy will also be in line with the UN Global pact and the Pearl Initiative which guarantees its sustainability and long-life. This would be so since these pacts are active campaigners for transparency and accountability within the UAE society which signifies that the e-Government strategy would receive immense support from them. In turn, this would lead to advancement in service delivery as well as public awareness of the governments dealing with ease. Innovate and rebalance Leadership skills are considered to be more effective if it provides opportunities to the community and penetrates new customers' requirements. The primary objective of this research is to consider all the people in society to bring in-line with the digital technology. Tuia et al. (2016) mentions the government takes initiatives for implementing "Urban remote sensing for high-resolution satellite data and data fusion and also to analyze the requirement for developing sensors to analyze the data on their regular procedures. Moreover, citizen participation plays a crucial role in the aspect of public influence in policy making. This procedure helps the government to build a long-lasting relationship with their community people and values their changing requirements. Citizens acceptance of e-government services in UAE like easy registration for the appointments with the governing authorities without paying any extra costs and provide free educational programs for educating the communiti es to use their digital technology. Madichie and Al Athmay (2013) highlight that the online payment method for the local people like eDirhamis one of the innovative steps that devised by theMinistry of Finance of UAE. This service is supported by the Federal Network and cloud services, mSurvey and Evaluation of mTransformation ( 2015). This survey conducted by the UAE government entities and is designed to reach a wider segment of the target audience and work for their satisfaction. mTransformation is designed for public awareness of electronic/mobile services, which complies with the government entities and maintain their digital service quality standards. Furthermore, innovation of government that ensure their digital leadership is the application of UAE mGovernment App Store, which has a distinctive design and easy to use. It consists of over 300 UAE Government apps available on Android and iOS platforms. Embrace Risk Jalilvand and Malliaris (2013) depicts that the government details are crucial as these data denotes the economic growth of the nation and comprise of all the essential details that are highly confidential. It is also evident that with the increase in the digital technology and techniques there is an increase in the risks of hacking and unauthorized access in the confidential place. Thus, Kamal and Saadi Halbouni (2013) portrays that in order to ensure the long-term and sustainability of the digital leadership, UAE government must implement effective risk approaches so that confidential data can be protected. Protiviti is an organization that helps the UAE governance to secure their data in clouds. Protivitis IT Governance Risk Management professionals work efficiently on the cybersecurity measures complying with ISO/IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission). The digital leadership ensures its effectiveness by following five essentials procedures- designing secure configuratio n, implementing boundary firewalls and internet gateways, applying administrative privilege management, patch management and malware protection. References Bates L. C. (2016). Decentralized Conglomerate Theory: A New Perspective on Digital Leadership. Linked In. Retrieved from (2015). The Official Portal of UAE Government - Government. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Oct. 2016]. Holland B. (2016). Digital Leadership: A New Paradigm Shift. Editorial Projects in Education. Retrieved from Jalilvand, A. Malliaris, T. (2013). Risk management and corporate governance. Routledge. Kamal Hassan, M. Saadi Halbouni, S. (2013). Corporate governance, economic turbulence and financial performance of UAE listed firms. Studies in Economics and Finance, 30(2), pp.118-138. Madichie, N.O. Al Athmay, A.A.A.R.A. (2013). An initial assessment of e-governance and public sector marketing in the UAE. International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets, 5(3), pp.234-253. McAuley A. (2015). UAEs Pearl Initiative Wins Funding from Siemens to Enhance Corporate-Governance Work. The National Business. Retrieved from Sheninger E. (2014). Pillars of Digital Leadership. International Center for Leadership in Education. Retrieved from Tuia, D., Gamba, P., Juergens, C. Maktav, D. (2016). Foreword to the Special Issue on Urban Remote Sensing. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 9(5), pp.1763-1766. United Nations Global Pact (2016). The Ten Principles of the UN Global Pact. UN Global Pact. Retrieved from
Sunday, March 29, 2020
The Norton Anthology literary terms Flashcard
The Norton Anthology literary terms
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Apology by Plato essay
Apology by Plato essay Apology by Plato essay Apology by Plato essayIn Plato’s Apology, the reader finds much interesting information about the philosophic thought that is derived from Socrates’ defense speech. Socrates, Plato’s teachers and friend, is ready to defend himself. Socrates’ mission is to help people to better understand the meaning of life in order to change their lives, placing emphasis on virtue and souls. He says,It is the greatest good for a human being to discussVirtue every day and the other thingsAbout which you hear me conversing and examining both myself and others,For the unexamined life is not worth living for a human being (Plato 38b).           Socrates claims that his role in Athenian society is important because he is the one who can support the integrity of the society he lives in by his role as gadfly. Socrates uses his unique philosophical argumentation to explain power relations within the Athenian society.There are two sets of charges that were brought against Socrates: the first one is disrespect to the city’s gods and the second one is corruption of young people. These charges include formal charges brought by Anytus, Meletus and Lycon and some earlier charges brought by anonymous people. Nevertheless, these two sets of charges are interlinked. The charges include â€Å"corrupting the young, and by not believing in the gods in whom the city believes, but in other daimonia that are novel†(Plato 24b).Socrates responds to these charges are convincing. He denies the fact that his philosophy and philosophic activities cause harm to the society he lives in and the city in general. He denies that his philosophy can corrupt the youth, claiming that his philosophic thought is of great value for humanity. Socrates tries to persuade the jury about his innocence, â€Å"No greater good has come to be in the city than my service to the God†(Plato). Socrates states that his way of life is the best way of life for all human beings because it produces happiness for everyone in the city.           My own view of Socrates’ innocence is based on a number of facts, including his philosophic thought, his mission and his self-confidence. I believe in Socrates’ innocence, although the charges brought to him by the court are rather serious for Athenians. Socrates’ defense against the charge that he doesn’t believe in Gods is honest and sufficient. He admits that he does not believe in the Gods of the city, but he is guided by some sort of higher being, or spirits. He states, â€Å"I live in great poverty because of my service to God†(23c). I completely agree with Socrates’ argument that the claim regarding his atheism is false because he believes in higher spiritual beings. I would have voted set him free because these two sets of charges are insufficient for death penalty.  The second claim about the corrupted youth is also false because there is no proof. One man cannot be blamed for the corruption of the entire generation of young people. Therefore, for these two sets of charges, I would have vote in Socrates’ favor, considering him innocent.            Thus, it is necessary to conclude that Socrates has gained worldwide fame for accepting his death for the two sets of charges corrupting the youth and disregarding the Athenian city’s Gods.  In Apology, Plato tells the story of Socrates’ trial, describing his behavior and his unique defense during the trial process. Socrates is innocent because his philosophic thought is useful for Athenians. He has been wrongly accused.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Self-Assessment Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Self-Assessment - Assignment Example I love giving back to the society, especially children, so whenever I get a chance to touch a child’s heart, I do not hesitate, I dedicate one day each month to visit a children’s home close to where I live. Before I visit, I collect clothes, food stuffs, shoes and toys from those who are willing to give and give to the children on my visit. Another hobby that I have is cooking, over the years I have collected hundreds of recipes that I enjoy trying out at home, it always gives me great pleasure to see my family and friends enjoy the food that I have prepared. I have even come up with my own recipes that I submit to food websites. I am motivated, I take my work seriously and every opportunity that I get to improve on the business I take advantage of it. I have a routine that involves me getting up early in the morning so that I can have time for exercise and to read my emails and also study. I keep myself updated on the trends of the food industry as that is the line of business that we are involved in, I borrow a leaf from other companies that are in the same line of work and try to implement what I find useful and sustainable. So far, the business’ earnings have improved remarkably and we are looking to open another outlet once we get the right location. I am a leader, this is the most important aspect of the work that I am doing and the course that I am taking, to be a good manager, I need to be a great leader. In our line of business, it is important for me to ensure that we are running efficiently and effectively, by keeping our expenses low, our returns high and our customers and employees happy. Being the manager, I have a team that I work with to ensure all these happen and I empower them by asking for their opinions and how they think we should implement some strategies. I then delegate work to them so that they can be responsible for their own actions and also feel that their input in the business is valued. When a job has
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Snow White Laundry & Drycleaners Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Snow White Laundry & Drycleaners - Case Study Example This essay discusses that the presence of Snow White Laundry & Drycleaners in Sydney has been a welcome phenomenon over the past few decades. Established in 1990, the business has proved to stand the test of time as it is among the most outstanding businesses in the area. The reason behind its inception during that time was to provide a healthy environment through the provision of clean apparels. The business has a staff of 9-10 employees who work to serve the customers that are coming from that area, or visiting from other areas. The growth of the business is determined by the manner in which they advertise their products and services. One crucial area in the running of the business is the incorporation of technology in the company. Engaging actively with customers on most media fronts is what keeps the company on its toes. The management and sales strategies the business employs are among the most crucial aspects that assist in its management and governance. By engaging in all clea ning and laundry operations, the company has something to offer most of its customers. Laundromat and laundry services make it easy for customers to choose what they want, and go for it through different avenues. The conducting of different analysis in the environment where the business is situated provides the company with sufficient information as to what best suits the company. Issues that arise are addressed as the small number of employees and suppliers can be handled, unlike with bigger businesses. Snow White Services offered and the pricing strategy Snow White Laundry & Dry cleaning offers most of the services that other laundry services offer. However, it does not deal in coin-operated services. This probably means that there is no self-service for customers looking to have their garments washed and cleaned. Snow White is located in Sydney 58 Terrace Street, and the business employs 9-10 employees who are capable of handling the number of customers that come in regularly. Th e pricing strategy that is employed by Snow White is based on the amount of time required to do laundry, and the quantity of laundry being done. After-service delivery is also among the business’s repertoire, where laundry can be taken to the respective owners. This is also done for a specified fee that is included in the price of conducting services. This strategy works to increase the service rate and increase the profits they receive (Lynn, 2010). Promotion and the situational analysis surrounding the business Offering deluxe services to some of their regular customers is a worthwhile promotion strategy. The discerning and hand finishing process makes customers’ garments receive extra attention from the employees in the company. This gives the whole process of giving already done laundry a human touch. Moreover, the hour-express service ensures that customers who might be in a hurry can get their garments after an hour. This makes it easy for the business to attract customers from the area, and away from competition. Examining the external and
Monday, January 27, 2020
The Harmful Effects Of Coal Mining Environmental Sciences Essay
The Harmful Effects Of Coal Mining Environmental Sciences Essay Coal mining particularly surface mining requires large areas of land to be temporary disturbed. It causes and number of harmful effects. This raises environmental and human challenges, including, the impact of its activities on the neighboring community, impacts on biodiversity, water and air pollution. Trees, plants, and topsoil are cleared from coal mining areas, destroying forests and wildlife habitat, encouraging soil erosion and floods, and stirring up dust pollution that can cause respiratory problems in local communities. Underground mining, including an intensive method known as long wall mining, leaves behind empty underground spaces which can collapse and cause the land above to sink. Known as subsidence, this process can cause serious structural damage to homes, buildings, and roads when the land collapses beneath them. This destructive mining method destroys habitat, eliminates forests, and damages local property. The government estimates that if this mining continues unabated Appalachia it will destroy 1.4 million acres of land by 2020. Coal mining and coal preparation both stir up small dust and coal particles, which combine with other chemicals in the air and can cause serious and potentially fatal respiratory problems like black lung. About 75 percent of all local shipments in the U.S. are made via railroads, which are one of the nations largest sources of soot and smog pollution. Both soot and Fig. 1. A cartoon shows the environmental effects of coal mining (Joel Pett). smog can cause health problems, including respiratory problems and increased risk of asthma attacks. Coal-laden railcars and trucks also cause soot pollution when coal dust blows off into the surrounding air. Coal mining releases about 26 percent of all energy-related methane emissions in the U.S. each year. Methane is a global warning gas more than 20 times as potent as carbon dioxide, and is released from surrounding rocks when coal is mined, as well as during coal preparation and transportation. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, methane has a global warming potential 21 times greater than that of carbon dioxide on a 100 year time line. While burning coal in power plants is most harmful to air quality, due to the emission of dangerous gases, the process of mining can release pockets of hazardous gases. These gases may pose a threat to coal miners as well as a source of air pollution. This due to the relaxation of pressure and fracturing of the strata during mining activity, which gives rise to serious safety concerns for the coal miners if not managed properly. The buildup of pressure in the strata can lead to explosions during or after the mining process if prevention methods, such as methane draining are not taken. A common source of acid mine drainage is abandoned mines that fill with water that becomes acidic and mixes with heavy metals and minerals. When this toxic water leaks out, it combines with groundwater and streams, causing water pollution, damaging soils, and harming humans and animals. For example, in Pennsylvania alone acid mine drainage has polluted more than 3,000 miles of streams and ground waters, which affects all four major river basins on the state. Coal preparation uses large quantities of water and chemicals to separate impurities from mined coal, washing away the wastes in a sludge known as slurry. Up to 90 million gallons of slurry are produced every year in the U.S. In 2000, a 72-acre slurry impoundment in Martin County, KY breached, spilling 250 million gallons of water and 31 million gallons of local wastes into the local watershed-over twenty times the amount of oil spilled when the Exxon Valdez ran aground. Mountaintop removal mining involves literally blowing the t ops off mountains to reach thin seams of coal. Then, to minimize waste disposal costs, mining companies dump millions of tons of waste rock into the valleys and streams below, causing permanent damage to the ecosystem and landscape. This destructive practice has damaged or destroyed approximately 1,200 miles of streams, disrupted drinking water supplies, and flooded communities. Black lung is a group of respiratory disease in coal miners that can cause serious lung disease and death. About 12,000 miners died from black lung in the U.S. in the ten-year period ending in 2002. Symptoms include coughing, spitting up black material, shortness of breath, and eventual hardening and scarring of the lungs. Although some of the symptoms can be alleviated, there is no known cure for black lung and reversal of the symptoms. Like all occupational diseases, black lung is man-made and can be prevented. In fact, the U.S. Congress ordered black lung to be eradicated from the coal industry in 1969. Today, it is estimated that former coal miners each year die an agonizing death in often isolated rural communities, away from the spotlight of publicity. Those who are falling ill and dying are not just the coal miners. Everyone who lives near the mines or processing plants or transportation centers is affected by chronic socioeconomics weakness that takes a tool on longevity and health. Residents of coal- mining communities have long complained of impaired health. This study substantiates their claims. Those residents are at an increased risk of developing chronic heart, lung and kidney diseases (Michael Hendryx). Coal mining can destroy sources of local revenue, including losses from tourism and recreation, such as the estimated $67 million lost annually in Pennsylvania from sport fishing because of streams too polluted from acid mine drainage. Coal mining can also damage homes and decrease property value, making it hard for people to sell their houses and move. Coal mining has been a decreasing source of jobs over the last two decades and is still considered to be one of the most dangerous jobs in America. Estimates of mining production and working coal miners show that between 1985 and 2005 mining production in the U.S. increased 22 percent, while the number of coal miners decreased by about 55 percent. The average income of coal miners has also been on the decline, dropping 20 percent over the same period. In 1952, Alabama became the first state to provide compensation for coal workers pneumoconiosis. A few years later, Virginia recognized the disease as compensable, but pressures were exe rted the following year and the amendment was repealed. Pennsylvania enacted legislation effective on December 1, 1965, and Virginia again amended its compensation law in 1968. Late in 1968, a number of miners organized the West Virginia Black Lung Association, which successfully led a campaign to introduce a bill in the 1969 session of the West Virginia legislature making coal workers pneumoconiosis a compensable disease. The compensation bill was quickly made a major issue by the Black Lung Association and militant miners in February when the legislation ran into opposition from the coal-operator-dominated legislature. Most of the 40,000 miners in West Virginia walked out of the mines, and large number of them marched on the state capitol in Charleston demanding passage of the bill. This was one of the largest and longest strikes ever on the single issue of occupational health.
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