Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Health And Wellness Positive Or Negative - 1322 Words
Title: Positive People Live Longer.... Really! Category: Health Wellness Tags: positive outlook, staying positive, being positive, positive people Summary: How positive or negative you reflects your attitude about life. And your attitude about life may reflect long you live. That’s right. New studies reveal that having a better attitude may actually help you live longer. Article: Are you an optimistic person by nature, or a â€Å"Debbie-downer?†If you chose the latter, then it’s time to lighten â€Å"up.†Science now reveals that adopting a positive outlook can bring-about some awesome life changes. Apart from feeling happier, less stressed and more motivated, being positive may actually help you live longer. Being happy keeps you healthy Being optimistic can do more than just help you get through rough patches. It may actually increase your life span. In a recent Harvard University study, women who had an optimistic outlook were less likely to die from conditions that included top killers like cardiovascular disease, cancer and infection. The study published inShow MoreRelatedPersonal Statement On Health Consciousness1208 Words  | 5 PagesABSTRACT Our health conscientiousness and intellect is part of our inner self that helps makes decisions. However, our health consciousness guides our intellect to take decisions for our wellbeing and the intellect keeps our minds under its own control so it would not be taken for a different route by outside sensory objects. Health consciousness is part of our natural intelligence that always remains inside of us. We may not always access it, but we do have it inside of us. Results show thatRead MoreReflection On Self Reflection809 Words  | 4 Pagesattitude. Wellness has a broader definition, than health, which it’s definition is the absence of disease and wellness is defined as the optimal health and vitality to living a healthy and fulfilling life. Also, is a process in which we become aware and we make choices to a better lifestyle. Maintaining an excellent level of wellness is crucial to live longer, live a higher quality life and control risk factors. To achieve this, is important to consider some of the dimensions of wellness. ThroughRead MoreDepression Is The Worlds Most Common Mental Illness1455 Words  | 6 Pagesboth genders and all age groups and all social classes. Although it is more likely to have a greater effect on women, racial and ethnic minorities, those without a high school education, those divorced or never married, jobless, and those without health insurance. Women have a 70% higher rate than Men to experience depression, and young adults ages 18-25 are 60% much more likely to endure depression than someone who is 50 years or older. An estimated 8.2% of American teenagers, which amounts to 2Read MoreSix Dimensions of Health1418 Words  | 6 PagesRunning head: SIX DIMENSIONS OF HEALTH 1 Six Dimensions of Health Daniel Smith Sci/ 100 July 10, 2010 Tara Campbell Six Dimensions of Health 2 The challenges of balancing work, school, and a social life can sometimes seem like a major task. However, in spite of these challenges the six dimensions of health are the keys to living a quality and prosperous life. My objective is to identify three of the six dimensions of health, and explain why theyre my strongest. Next, chooseRead MoreDepression Is The Worlds Most Common Mental Illness1698 Words  | 7 Pagesboth genders and all age groups and all social classes. Although it is more likely to have a greater effect on women, racial and ethnic minorities, those without a high school education, those divorced or never married, jobless, and those without health insurance. Women have a 70% higher rate than Men to experience depression, and young adults ages 18-25 are 60% much more likely to endure depression than someone who is 50 years or older. An estimated 8.2% of American teenagers, which amounts to 2Read MoreToo Much Violence and Bullying among Adolescents816 Words  | 3 Pagesrelates to the adolescent as this is an indirect form of bullying that has a negative impact on the social development of this population (Vessey, DiFazio, and Strout, 2013, p. 338). This paper focuses on the negative impacts that bullying has on an adolescent’s social development (isolation, difficulties within peer relationships, and decreased social status) and the interventions that nurses use to promote health and wellness on bullied victims. The importance of developing peer relationships is crucialRead MoreAlternative Medicine On The Body And The Brain1272 Words  | 6 Pagessystem for wellness and prevention. Alternative medicine focuses on improving brain chemistry through natural means. It focuses on getting the body to take care of itself. Alternative medicine is based on the premise that health is impacted by the energy body, the conscious and subconscious mind and the physical body. Thoughts, energy and emotions affect health. They impact the health of the body. Thoughts, energy and emotions drive physical reality toward disease or wellness. Disease or wellness thenRead MoreNurses And The Practice Of Nursing908 Words  | 4 Pages INTRODUCTION Most professions are identified, recognized, and associated with certain concepts and terminologies that define the particular profession. For the nursing profession, the concepts of health, illness, disease, disability, and wellness are words that most people use to define the role nurses and the practice of nursing. A better understanding of the definition of these terminologies would provide a framework by which clinicians could build upon to create effectiveRead MoreThe Role Of Nurses And The Practice Of Nursing1122 Words  | 5 PagesINTRODUCTION Most professions are identified, recognized, and associated with certain concepts and terminologies that define the particular profession. For the nursing profession, the concepts of health, illness, disease, disability, and wellness are words that most people use to define the role of nurses and the practice of nursing. A better understanding of the definition of these terminologies would provide a framework by which clinicians could build upon to create effective practices, educateRead MoreBiopsychosocial vs. Biomedical Model Essay947 Words  | 4 PagesBiomedical Model The biomedical model and the biopsychosocial model are both representations of health commonly accepted in modern society. The biomedical model considers the absence of disease is physical wellness. This model is good practice but it has limitations. On the other hand, the biopsychosocial model takes into account the whole person which has led to extensive research in many aspects of wellness. It addresses more than physical well being as many people now are ill but they have no presence
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Effects Of Operant Conditioning On Children And...
My goal is to work in a Residential Treatment Facility, and work with the children and adolescents. I want to get to the root of their behavioral problems. Hopefully when they are able to leave the facility they can take what they have learned from our sessions and utilize them in a positive way. They will be able to live a productive and hopefully happy life, and can achieve the dreams that they have set for themselves. Hopefully with everything they have learned they will not end up another statistic and end in prison. Operant conditioning is going to be an effective tool in giving therapy to adolescents in a Juvenile Detention Center. With operant conditioning, the person needs to act the desired way before they are reinforced, and the reinforcement is contingent on their behavior. If the adolescent does not do the desired behavior then they will not be reinforced. Operant conditioning also uses punishment as a technique to change the behavior. The reinforcements can be either positive or negative. A positive reinforcer is a stimulus that is related to the person’s survival, and is added after the desired response has occurred. An example of a positive reinforcer is adding a certain amount of time to an activity that they enjoy. A negative reinforcer is taking something away when following a response. An example of a negative reinforcer is taking away a chore that they have to do during the week. Both positive and negative reinforcer will help increase the probabilityShow MoreRelatedPhobias and Addictions Related to Classical and Operant Conditioning865 Words  | 4 Pagesas Related to Classical and Operant Conditioning Introduction People can become conditioned to respond to various stimuli in positive and negative ways, including phobias and addictions. In order to better understand how stimuli elicit phobic or addictive responses, this paper provides a discussion concerning phobias and addictions as related to classical and operant conditioning, including explorations of how phobias can be developed through classical conditioning and how addictions can be developedRead MoreThe Field Of Personality Development1337 Words  | 6 PagesAbstract The way we walk, to the way we talk. How we reason, and how we act, all depend on our personality. Personality development is relevant to adolescent development because the two go hand in hand. With development comes development of who someone is, their personality. In this paper I will look deeper into the genetics behind personality development, as well as the environmental aspect. I will relate personality development to aspects of learning discussed in the course material. I willRead MoreEssay on Behavioral Learning Theories887 Words  | 4 PagesBehavioral theories are based on contiguity, classical and operant conditioning, applied behavior analysis, social learning theory and self-regulation/cognitive behavior modification. Early views of learning were contiguity and classical conditioning. In contiguity learning, two events are repeatedly paired together and become associated in the learners mind. Pavlov took this idea one step further in his experiments on classical conditioning where a previously neutral stimulus is repeatedly pairedRead MoreClassic Behavioristic Principles of Psychology Developed by B.F. Skinner1372 Words  | 6 Pagesnonhuman behavior, including human behavioral development, and to various segments of the life span, including human infancy†(p. 1411). One of Skinners greatest scientific discoveries was â€Å"single reinforcement†which became sufficient for â€Å"operant conditioning, the role of extinction in the discovery of intermittent schedules, the development of the method of shaping by successive approximation, and Skinners break with and rejection of stimulus-response psychology†(Iversen, 1992, p. 1318). AccordingRead MoreTheories And Research Studies Into Attachment1227 Words  | 5 Pagessuggested that this attachment between infant and caregiver may have influence throughout their lives. Two important learning theories of behaviourist perspective are classical conditioning (Ivan Pavlov 1849-1936) experiments with dogs and operant conditioning (Thorndike’s and B.F Skinner). Classical conditioning is learning that occurs trough association can be defined as a type of learning in which a conditioned stimulus (sound of a bell, Pavlov) is paired with an unconditioned stimulus (food)Read MoreTheories Of Explaining Behavior Through Observation1719 Words  | 7 Pages Adolescent Psychology Term Paper Jamila Williams Tuskegee University Behavioral psychology is based on the concept of explaining behavior through observation. Behaviorists, psychologist that study behavior, believe a person can be understood through observing their behavior. This school of psychology assumes that we are born as a blank state and everyone is equal. However, environmental factors are what leads to us behaving differently from one another. American Psychologist and FounderRead MoreEssay on Adolescence - Learning and development. Not a bad essay written over night for a Monday hand in,surprised at the outcome will post the Bibliography when I find it3514 Words  | 15 Pagesadolescence. The adolescent years extend roughly from age 10 to age 22. It is common to mark the beginning of the teenage years as the entrance to adolescence; most people consider that the onset of puberty, or the beginning of sexual maturity, as a sign of an individuals passage from middle childhood to adolescence. While the physical changes of puberty are an important indicator signalling adolescent development, many other kinds of changes also occur during the adolescent years; cognitive,Read MoreEcological Systems Theory By Urie Bronfenbrenner1556 Words  | 7 Pageswith the child’s environment. The chronosystem changes and often encompasses all aspects of the child’s development. Due to the dynamics of this systems model, the argument of nature versus nurture is not easily identifiable. It is plausible that effects nature and nurture are in constant interaction with the development of the child in this theory. The Ecological Systems theory does not specify if the theory is continuous or discontinuous. Being that this theory is does not have specific stepsRead MoreEssay on Anorexia and Food Refusal in Children3655 Words  | 15 PagesAnorexia and Food Refusal in Children Eating Disorders in children and adolescents represent potentially life-threatening, debilitating conditions that impede physical, emotional, and behavioral growth and development. If treated soon after onset, childhood and adolescent eating disorders have a relatively good prognosis; however, if not treated, they may become chronic conditions by adulthood with devastating and sometimes irreversible medical, behavioral, and emotional consequences (RobinRead MoreInsight Into Criminal Behavior Essay1735 Words  | 7 Pagesto their child is more likely to produce a child with aggressive and/or criminal behavior (Garnefski Okma, 1996). One statistic proves children that have been abused or neglected are at a 50 percent greater risk engaging in criminal activity. In children and adolescents environment plays a vital role in influencing their behavior (Holmes et al., 2001). Children don’t get to choose their environment. Child development theories have emerged throughout the 2 0th Century. The influences on child development
Monday, December 9, 2019
I Woke Up and Could Not Remember What Had Happened free essay sample
Cling†¦ Cling†¦ I heard the sound of the turning door knob, I wanted to leave this unfamiliar area but some rusty iron bar surrounding me stopped me from moving an inch further. The door opened, a dark shadow came in, approaching to me. â€Å"Wow, undoubtedly this is Ethan’s precious baby, look at you, how soft, how clean, how fluffy. I bet that the money you used in your hairdressing every month is far more than our salary. Ethan must be having ants in his pants now. HAHAHA. †He has a pair of mouse-liked eyes,a pointed nose and chin, dark skin and skeletal figure which make him look nuisance especially when he said the provocative lines. Another man stepped in the dark room, with a more steady pace. â€Å"Stop goading this pity little thing. Just let the thing be done as soon as possible. †He spoke with low deep voice and the other man obeyed without uttering a word. We will write a custom essay sample on I Woke Up and Could Not Remember What Had Happened or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Then, they left leaving me alone in the room. I did not know how long I was kept inside the cage as I could not see the changes of days and nights. I was trying to leave this dirty cage but I was too hungry and thirsty to struggle. Once in a while, they would feed me with some stinking leftover but I refuse to give them a lick. I would starve until I died as only the most high-ranked Kobe beef was worth to be placed inside my mouth. One day, the mouse-liked man opened the cage and let me out. I was as happy as a lark at that moment, but what came the next was a heavy kick on my stomach. It was like lorries weighing tones to run over me, breaking my ribs and sternum. It was really unendurable and torturous especially for me whom the hydrochloric acid in my stomach corroded it internally interacted with the external violent kick. â€Å"Stop it! Don’t you know that he is our source of money now? If he is dead, then we have nothing left. †â€Å"But the arrogant Ethan refused to pay. He doesn’t believe that we really kidnapped his little son. What should we do? †â€Å"Then we should show him that we really did. †The more mature man came towards me with malicious intention. He snatched away the Chanel collar that I wore on my neck which studded with 36 D-colour diamonds. It was my two-year-old birthday present that Ethan gave to me. I never took it off since Ethan put it on for me. Send this to Ethan and he will believe in what we say. †Since then, they never came into the room anymore. My stomach was still severely aching due to the kick. Nonetheless, I could only bit the bullet off. Days and nights passed and I was again left without any proper food and drinks. Under such circumstance, I could only bow to the reality. I ate the rotten meat that they dumped at the corner of my cage. I drank the turbid water in the rusty zinc bowl. I nearly vomited but I did not, instead, swallowed it just to survive. The day has come, the two men came in, bringing a black luggage back in their hands. I thought I was going back home finally; I was going to meet Ethan finally. Nonetheless, it was all my thought. The skinny man took out a parang knife after set me free. â€Å"Hey baby boy, guess what? We have already received RM 3 million from your papa. Now, it’s the time we make this end and send your dead body to him†I was very afraid. Fear was alarming in my head. Goose bumps jumped out of my skin and my hairs stood on end. My breath became more and more rapid and my heart beat faster and faster. His evil laughter as enough to send chills to my spine. What should I do? Flee or fight? I bit the leg of the thin man as hard as my teeth could. ARGH†¦ He curled up his body because of pain and the knife fell off his hand. The door was left open. Adrenaline in my body stimulated my weak and thin leg to run as I could never run faster than that anymore. The other man picked up the knife on the floor and chased after me. I squeezed through the narrow gap at the door, leaving the man behind who had already be blown off his top. There were some illustrations in my tiny little eyes as they were not used to the bright day light after being kept in darkness for a long period. After I regained my conscious, I realized that it was a complete strange region for me. There were no people around, only a few houses and a police booth located several feet away. I bolted towards the police booth for rescue as the men were running after me. I thought there was no way I could run faster than them but I did. Perhaps four legs are really faster than two. I could see the fire of anger in their eyes. I stopped at the blue building and wailed but not any response was given. I decided to walked into the police booth and saw my picture on the wall. I shouted at the police officer but they seemed not to understand me and this made me barking-mad. I pulled them to the wall and showed them the picture on the wall. â€Å"You looked familiar. Have I seen you anywhere before? Ah! You are Ethan, the billionaire’s lost puppy, aren’t you? †After having a feast and a sweet sleep, I was sent back to my palace. The moment I met Ethan, I saw tears streaming down his face, and I could feel watery in my eyes too.
Monday, December 2, 2019
To be or not to be Art Essay Example
To be or not to be: Art Essay Graffiti art is an art form. The reasons as to why it is an art form far outweigh the criticism of its illegality and nonstandard presentation. The purpose of this paper is to explain how graffiti art overcomes these concerns and should be considered an art form. Suppose that Leonardo, Monet, Picasso, or any other recognized artists of Western European culture were alive today and decided to paint a masterpiece on the side of your house. Would Picasso or Monets markings be considered art or vandalism? People;s answers may vary, but I would classify those markings as art in the form of graffiti. Their markings would qualify as vandalism only if they appeared on private or public property unauthorized. Graffiti art originated in the late 1960s and still isnt accepted as art like museum or gallery works. Graffiti art is not denied the status of genuine art because of a lack of form or skills, but is mainly due to its location and bold, unexpected presentation. Graffiti is the plural f orm of the Italian word grafficar. In plural, grafficar stands for drawings, markings, patterns, scribbles, or messages that are painted, written, or carved on a surface. Grafficar also means to scratch, such as wall writings or bathroom scribbles. The present day definition has added that graffiti is unauthorized writings on a private or public property and is usually considered to be vandalism. Modern graffiti art originated in New York City, and it was knownfirst as New York Style graffiti. This art form began in the late 1960s when teens used permanent markers to write their names in subway cars. In the 1970s people began painting subway trains, starting the existence of subway art. Train painting became crucial to the development of graffiti art because this was the time when every artist wanted to be recognized. The visibility of the trains encouraged more people to try out this new form of art. Despite New York City
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