Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Technique In The Great Gat essays
The Technique In The Great Gat essays The Great Gatsby is Fitzgeralds finest novel, it was published in1925, and Eliot considered it to be the first step that America has taken since Henry James1. It is a sensitive and symbolic treatment of themes of contemporary life related with irony and pathos to the legendry of American dream. Nick Carraway, a young Midwesterner who sells bonds in New York, lives at West Egg, Long Islands, which is separated from the city by an ashdump, whose distinctive feature is an oculists faded billboard with a pair of great staring eyes behind yellow spectacles, symbolic of an obscenely futile world. Nicks neighbor is mysterious Jay Gatsby, whose mansion and fabulous entertainments are financed by bootlegging and other criminal activities. As a poor army lieutenant, Gatsby had fallen in love with Nicks cousin Daisy, who later married Tom Buchanan, an unintelligent, brutal man of wealth. Through Nick, he manages to meet Daisy again, impresses her by his extravagant devotion, and makes her his mistress. Her husband takes as his mistress Myrtle Wilson, sensual wife of a garage man. When her husband becomes jealous and imprisons her in her room, Myrtle escapes, runs out on the highway, and is accidentally hit by Daisy, who drives on. Gatsby tries to protect Daisy, and Tom, to whom she h as become reconciled, brings his hatred of her lover to a climax by telling Myrtles husband that it was Gatsby who killed her. Wilson shoots Gatsby and then himself. At the end of the story, Nick leaves the East and returns to the Mid-west. The Great Gatsby is the subject of many and diverse critical assessments and reappraisals that have elevated the novel to its current prominent position in American literature2. In this novel, Fitzgerald used many techniques: the controlled and detached point of view, the crafted structure and symbolism, all these distinguish The Great Gatsby from the style of h...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
A Biography of American Spy Hercules Mulligan
A Biography of American Spy Hercules Mulligan Born in Ireland’s County Londonderry on September 25, 1740, Hercules Mulligan immigrated to the American colonies when he was just six years old. His parents, Hugh and Sarah, left their homeland in hopes of improving life for their family in the colonies; they settled in New York City and Hugh became the eventual owner of a successful accounting firm. Fast Facts: Hercules Mulligan Born: September 25, 1740Died: March 4, 1825Lived in: Ireland, New YorkParents: Hugh Mulligan and Sarah MulliganEducation: King’s College (Columbia University)Spouse: Elizabeth SandersKnown for: Member of Sons of Liberty, associate of Alexander Hamilton, secret agent who worked with the Culper Ring and twice saved General George Washingtons life. Hercules was a student at King’s College, now Columbia University, when another young man–one Alexander Hamilton, late of the Caribbean–came knocking on his door, and the two of them formed a friendship. This friendship would turn into political activity in just a few short years. Thinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy Hamilton lived with Mulligan for a period during his tenure as a student, and the two of them had many late-night political discussions. One of the earliest members of the Sons of Liberty, Mulligan is credited from swaying Hamilton away from his stance as a Tory and into a role as a patriot and one of America’s founding fathers. Hamilton, originally a supporter of British dominion over the thirteen colonies, soon came to the conclusion that the colonists should be able to rule themselves. Together, Hamilton and Mulligan joined the Sons of Liberty, a secret society of patriots that was formed to protect colonists’ rights. Following his graduation, Mulligan worked briefly as a clerk in Hugh’s accounting business, but soon branched out on his own as a tailor. According to a 2016 article on the CIA website, Mulligan: â€Å"†¦cater[ed] to the crà ¨me de la crà ¨me of New York society. He also catered to wealthy British businessmen and high-ranking British military officers. He employed several tailors but preferred to greet his customers himself, taking the customary measurements and building rapport among his clientele. His business thrived, and he established a solid reputation with the gentleman of the upper class and with the British officers.†Thanks to his close access to British officers, Mulligan was able to accomplish two very important things in a very short time. First, in 1773, he married Miss Elizabeth Sanders at Trinity Church in New York. This should be unremarkable, but Mulligan’s bride was the niece of Admiral Charles Saunders, who had been a commander in the Royal Navy prior to his death; this gave Mulligan access to some high-ranking individuals. In addition to his marriage, Mulligan’s role as a tailor allowed him to be present during numerous conversations between British officers; in general, a tailor was much like a servant, and considered invisible, so his clients had no qualms about speaking freely in front of him. Mulligan was also a smooth talker. When British officers and businessmen came to his shop, he flattered them regularly with words of admiration. He soon figured out how to gauge troop movements based upon pickup times; if multiple officers said they’d be back for a repaired uniform on the same day, Mulligan could figure out the dates of upcoming activities. Often, he sent his slave, Cato, to General George Washington’s camp in New Jersey with the information. In 1777, Mulligan’s friend Hamilton was working as aide-de-camp to Washington, and was intimately involved in intelligence operations. Hamilton realized that Mulligan was ideally placed to gather information; Mulligan agreed almost immediately to help the patriotic cause. Saving General Washington Mulligan is credited with saving George Washingtons life not once, but on two separate occasions. The first time was in 1779, when he uncovered a plot to capture the general. Paul Martin of Fox News says, â€Å"Late one evening, a British officer called at Mulligans shop to purchase a watch coat. Curious about the late hour, Mulligan asked why the officer needed the coat so quickly. The man explained that he was leaving immediately on a mission, boasting that before another day, well have the rebel general in our hands. As soon as the officer left, Mulligan dispatched his servant to advise General Washington. Washington had been planning to rendezvous with some of his officers, and apparently the British had learned the location of the meeting and intended to set a trap. Thanks to Mulligans alert, Washington changed his plans and avoided capture.†Two years later, in 1781, another plan was foiled with the help of Mulligan’s brother Hugh Jr., who ran a successful import-export company that did a significant amount of trade with the British army. When a large amount of provisions were ordered, Hugh asked a commissary officer why they were needed; the man revealed that several hundred troops were being sent to Connecticut to intercept and seize Washington. Hugh passed the information along to his brother, who then relayed it to the Continental Army, allowing Washington to change his plans and set his own trap for British forces. In addition to these crucial bits of information, Mulligan spent the years of the American Revolution gathering details about troop movement, supply chains, and more; all of which he passed along to Washington’s intelligence staff. He worked in tandem with the Culper Ring, a network of six spies engaged directly by Washington’s spymaster, Benjamin Tallmadge. Effectively working as a subagent of the Culper Ring, Mulligan was one of several people who passed intelligence along to Tallmadge, and thus, directly into Washington’s hands. Mulligan and his slave, Cato, were not above suspicion. At one point, Cato was captured and beaten on his way back from Washington’s camp, and Mulligan himself was arrested several times. In particular, following the defection of Benedict Arnold to the British army, Mulligan and other members of the Culper ring had to put their covert activities on hold for a while. However, the British were never able to find hard evidence that any of the men were involved in espionage. After the Revolution Following the end of the war, Mulligan occasionally found himself in trouble with his neighbors; his role of cozying up to British officers had been incredibly convincing, and many people suspected he was in fact a Tory sympathizer. To reduce the risk of his being tarred and feathered, Washington himself came to Mulligan’s shop as a customer following an Evacuation Day parade, and ordered a complete civilian wardrobe to commemorate the end of his military service. Once Mulligan was able to hang up a sign reading â€Å"Clothier to General Washington,†the danger passed, and he prospered as one of New York’s most successful tailors. He and his wife had eight children together, and Mulligan worked until the age of 80. He died five years later, in 1825. Nothing is known of what became of Cato after the American Revolution. However, in 1785, Mulligan became one of the founding members of the New York Manumission Society. Along with Hamilton, John Jay, and several others, Mulligan worked to promote the manumission of slaves and abolition of the institution of slavery. Thanks to the popularity of the Broadway hit Hamilton, Hercules Mulligans name has become far more recognizable than it was in the past. In the play, he was originally played by Okieriete Onaodowan, an American actor born to Nigerian parents. Hercules Mulligan is buried in New Yorks Trinity Church cemetery, in the Sanders family tomb, not far from the graves of Alexander Hamilton, his wife Eliza Schuyler Hamilton, and many other notable names from the American Revolution. Sources â€Å"The Legend of Hercules Mulligan.† Central Intelligence Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, 7 July 2016, www.cia.gov/news-information/featured-story-archive/2016-featured-story-archive/the-legend-of-hercules-mulligan.html.Fox News, FOX News Network, www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/07/04/this-july-4-let-thank-forgotten-revolutionary-war-hero.html.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Organizational Issues and Recommendations Essay
Organizational Issues and Recommendations - Essay Example Organizational Issues and Recommendations The Taylorist production approach was established by F.W.Taylor, who gave birth to Scientific Management. His school of thoughts is termed as Taylorism. Taylorism believed that any job can be learnt and taught. This theory treats the humans like machines and proposed that for the achieving higher production the management must eliminate inefficiency from its functioning. However, this theory completely neglects the usual complications that happen within a normal human being (Boyd, n.d). Taylorist production style supports the assembly line system where each worker performs the same task repetitively. Here the concept of division of labor was given significance and people started getting specialized in a certain domain while the rest of the production system remained unknown to them. A strict supervision policy was maintained within the organization which created distance between the management and the employees. The repetition of same task created frustration among the workers. The q uality of work started to decline which affected the management adversely. In turn the employees were threatened and scolded which ultimately resulted in more and more employee turnover. The management thought of forming groups for reducing the work pressure on individual employee and delegating each group with a particular task, like a group was responsible for making the engine and other relevant parts while another group worked on the creation of seat and the third group focused on the making the wheels of the car. The fourth group would work towards assembling the parts of the car and presenting the final product. The Issues faced by the firm The manufacturing unit realized that even after implementing the form of group work in their day to day operations, the problems like employee turnover and poor performance didn’t reduce. As they hired me as an HR consultant, I studied the various facets of the organization and reached the conclusion that the groups are suffering fro m several issues like role conflicts within groups, communication problems among group members, lack of cohesiveness in groups with diverse members and excessive intergroup conflict. Thus before proceeding with the recommendations towards solving these issues, it’s necessary to study the impact of each of this issue on the organization and the group in specific. The issues are discussed as follows- Role conflicts within groups This kind of conflict occurs between groups when the members feel uncertain about the role to be played by them. The group members might get a feeling that they are in charge of more than one responsibility within the setting of the organization and that the roles might prove to be contrasting each other. If the probability of two or more roles is irreconcilable, role conflict becomes prominent (Losh, 2011). For instance, a superior at a manufacturing plant might feel tensed due to the role played by him or her as the person poses to his juniors both as a friend and as a mentor at a time. Role conflict can occur due to non-availability of proper socialization facilities inside the organization. Group conflicts might take place due to several reasons which are- Misinformation and miscommunication Perceived or real disparity in the priorities and needs of the groups Perceived or real disparity in perceptions, values, culture, attitudes and beliefs Different structures
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Composing an Argument on Patient Safety Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Composing an Argument on Patient Safety - Essay Example After some serious riots from the people the government started to think over this issue and started searching for ways to solve this issue (Mantel 2012). A committee was setup to solve this issue at its earliest and provide with a solution that is practically applicable. The committee came up with a revolutionary solution. They suggested instead of blaming hospitals, doctors or nurses the whole system should be changed. A very keen investigation should be made so that each and every issue that leads to preventable deaths can be controlled like taking proper care of the pharmacy, hygiene should be given high priority, nurses should be well trained, they should not be made to do over duty, there should be a proper communication between the hospital ward and doctor and other such practices. Different programs have been started to keep a check and balance on the health care system of different hospitals. These programs have certainly proved beneficial and effective in controlling the he alth care systems and improvement have been seen as the death tolls due to the carelessness and faults of the health care have been considerably decreased (Mantel 2012). The government has started certain programs in which the nurses and the hospital wards were given special training and education so that they coordinate perfectly with the doctor and the patient as well. They are also taught a number of different languages so that they do not create problems while communicating with the patients and do not create any problems for the patient. In earlier years we have observed that many health care related issues in foreign countries occurred because the nurse could not understand what he wanted to say and therefore confusions would arise and wrong approaches could be made. The nurses were taught to remain alert and attentive in all situations and must have a very quick response to any emergency situation. The nurses were taught a very important factor that while working they should not lose their patience and do not provide any harm to the patient if they are misbehaving. Likewise private organizations have also initiated such programs to create awareness and train the nurses. Doctors are also made to attend different sessions and seminars to make them aware of the different ways they can handle their patient with utmost care and delicacy. It sometimes happens that doctors due to certain reasons may not listen to the patient willingly and as a result of which maybe that the patient might not be given the right treatment that he needs. The doctors are made to realize that they are the responsible person at the hospital and it is their duty and obligation to carefully and properly examine the patient and give him the right treatment. Doctors are also made to learn more language rather than their own mother tongue so that they can have no problem in communicating with the patient (Vecchion 2005). In the earlier years it was a common practice that the nurses would mark the position on the patient where ever the surgery had to be conducted and as the nurses are not that well educated therefore they were very likely to make mistakes. The change that has been initiated in the system is that now the doctors are given the responsibility to mark the patient so that the chances of any errors
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Hurricane Hits England By Grace Nichols and Storm on the Island Essay Example for Free
Hurricane Hits England By Grace Nichols and Storm on the Island Essay Hurricane Hits England about a hurricane that came across from the Caribbean and hit the South coast of England (Sussex). In 1987 the poem takes place at night and follows the poet, Grace Nichols, as she talks and questions the hurricane like it were an old friend. Storm on the lsland is set on the top of a cliff on a barren island off the coast of Ireland. It describes the storm and how the village people are prepared for it and have built there houses squat. This shows that there are storms there frequently and it also speaks of no trees to avoid falling branches. Storm on the Island is written in blank verse. This reflects the crashing motion of the storm. It was often used by Shakespeare because it sounds like spoken English, this makes the poet sound like he his talking to the reader. However Hurricane Hits England is written in free verse which gives the poem a relaxed feel. Also breaking it up in to stanza lets you see how the mood changes throughout the poem from questioning, to understanding. Come to break the frozen lake within me the frozen lake being her sense of belonging and home. By not using an article before the title Heaney makes it sound blunt and gives a sense that he is not just talking about one storm in particular but many. To create drama Heaney writes the poem in present tense. Enjambment is used to create the surprise a storm would give when it blows full / Blast like a gust of wind suddenly Blasting in at the start of a new line. Despite the confident start Heaney admits to being scared of the storm it is a huge nothing we fear. Whereas in the first stanza of Nichols uses a very effective metaphor to describe the hurricane howling ship of the wind this creates a ghost like quality to the hurricane this is later backed up by the word spectre. The view of the hurricane changes from stanza to stanza. In the third stanza Nichols questions the like it were an old friend. The mood is then saddened when Nichols describes roots as cratered graves. The island is described as Wizened which at first conjures thoughts of a desolate and barren landscape. There are no stacks suggests there are no crops, but as the hurricane is introduced the view of the island has been change and maybe its not just the ground that is Wizened but also the villagers. The fact the villagers are prepared for the storm is emphasised more so by the lack of trees. He uses the imagery of a tame cat / Turned savage because the sea is usually calm a gentle but can become violent and angry. The fact this is spread over two lines is to use the pause between them as the quiet before the storm. The military theme is carried on when he uses words like dives, strafes, salvos and bombardments to show the distructive power of the storm. While the storm in Hurricane Hits England is show to be an actual person or a one point a God this is meant show that Nichols has not rejected her culture and is still capable of seeing things in terms of her native culture. The poets heart is unchained by the hurricane which breaks the frozen lake in me. There is a clear implication that she has felt trapped in England and by riding the hurricane (a global event, of course) she finds her freedom. Heaneys poem is written in a repetitive and confident way and by using blank verse it reflects his mood that he will survive the storm. Although this changes throughout the poem, halfway through he uses phrases like the thing you fear and exploding comfortably to portray he is scared. While Nichols writes in free and open way which reflect her past in the Caribbean to show this she uses the words the earth is the earth The final lines of Hurricane Hits England are a plea for multiculturalism and a pride in ones own culture. The poet has realised that she can only be free and happy in England if she stops yearning for her own culture and accepts that, that culture is a part of her: she brought it to England with her just as the hurricane has brought a feeling of the Caribbean to England. This is unlike the ideas in Storm on the Island which concern our uneasy relationship to powerful natural forces and the feelings of vulnerability and fear. That we feel in the face of the potentially destructive powers of a storm.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Disasterous Eating Disorders Essay -- Health Diet Essays
Disasterous Eating Disorders         Americans obsessions with their bodies has become a hot topic lately. From personal observation and research, I have seen the obsession become more severe. Web sites dealing with eating disorders are some of the most commonly visited web sites. We have a problem. The obsessions are becoming too serious, even fatal. Americans today have become slaves to the diet and fitness industries, resulting in an increased number of eating disorder cases over the past few years. If Americans are not educated about the complicated causes and effects of eating disorders then the plague of the 90’s, eating disorders, is going to continue to kill. The following paragraphs are a start to the education. They deal with some of the causes but more important some solutions to eating disorders.         According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, "obsessions are recurring or persistent thoughts, images, or impulses that, rather than being voluntarily produced, seem to invade a person's consciousness despite his attempts to ignore, suppress, or control them (Britannica 1). American's today deal with these thoughts about food, body image, imperfections, goals, flaws and how to deal with these. The thoughts are obsessive but they are real and at times, very intense. Sometimes the only way to cope with them, is to take drastic measures in ones behavior.         Obviously the rise in eating disorders and other obsessive illnesses have been addressed but why they develop and solutions to stopping them are still a hushed topic. Educating society about the causes and serious effects of Americas fatal obsessions is the purpose of this article and hopefully by reading it one will be more aware. Increasing the kn... ...sm, Vol. 3 Article 95 (c) 1996 SIRS, Inc. Cotton, Richard American Council on Exercise, Aerobic Instructor Manual pg 140 (c) 1993 Eckersleg, Richard "The Wests Deepening Cultural Crisis," Futurist Nov./Dec. Ethics, Vol. 4 Article 56 (c) 1993 SIRS, Inc. Encyclopedia Britannica "Obsessive Compulsive Disorder," (c) 1996 Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc. Goldman, Nechama "Fatal Obsession," March 19, 1993 Jersulam Post SIRS 1993 Medical Science Article 64 (c) 1996 SIRS, Inc. Jenish, D'Arcy with Sharon Doyle Driedger "A Tragic Obsession," Maclean's Oct. 9,1989 SIRS 1989 Food, Vol. 4 Article 55 (c) 1989 SIRS, Inc. Psynet Enterprises "Eating Disorders - The Facts," Psych Net Mental Health (c)1996 Seligimann, Jean "The Pressure to Lose," Newsweek May 2, 1994 SIRS 1994 Health, Electronic Only, Article 126 (c) 1996 SIRS, Inc. Shape Magazine, "Crazy Diet Goals," (c) 1995
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Microsoft Csr
â€Å"Technology creates opportunities for people and organizations to realize their full potential†is the thought driving Microsoft’s corporate citizenship program. With the enduring commitment to serve needs of communities worldwide Microsoft is playing the role of a responsible global citizen. Going far beyond its products and services it has collaborated with business partners, governments and non profit organizations around the globe to fulfil its commitment. It delivers new technology to people and organizations to unleash their creativity, productivity and opportunity across borders.In today’s world there is no scarcity of opportunities yet there is a growing divide between young people who have the chance to succeed owing to their enhanced skills and those who don’t. In response to this divide Microsoft has targeted its corporate citizenship program particularly towards youth empowerment. Microsoft YouthSpark is a youth empowerment initiative that connects millions of youth the world over and provides them with opportunities for education, employment and entrepreneurship.It brought together more than 350,000 students from more than 260 regions and countries to participate in the 2012 Imagine Cupâ€â€the world’s largest student technology competition. In the auspicious event students from different parts of the world and cultures use their skills to solve world’s most challenging problems. Such competitions are great motivators for youth as it provides them with a platform to showcase their talent across borders and to explore and enhance global opportunities.Microsoft has provided students free access to state-of-art technology facilities at more than 90 Microsoft innovation centres in 44 countries to accelerate their career opportunities. It has also provided innovative designer and web developer tools to students and teachers around the globe under the Microsoft Dreamspark initiative. Most of the companyâ €™s donations are targeted towards Non-profit organizations addressing the need of youth skill development. Also, through Microsoft BizSpark the company is helping young entrepreneurs launch new businesses by providing access to software development tools, industry connections, and investors.Empowering non profits: It goes without saying that the biggest problem a non-profit organization faces is raising funds for the upgrade and betterment of its core processes. â€Å"Nonprofits need powerful tools to transform passion into progress. Modern productivity, communication, and collaboration solutions help people drive social change where it’s needed most. †says Kurt DelBene, President, Microsoft Office Division. Through its technology for good program Microsoft is helping 62,000 non profit organizations around the globe to get affordable access to technology for serving communities with a greater zeal.Some activities under the initiative were donating hardware and so ftware to non profit organizations and providing them with refurbished laptops at relatively cheaper rates. Microsoft also collaborates with nonprofits for hosting more than 100 NGO Connection Days and in educating NGO staff on how to get the most value from donated software via webinars. Other than the above mentioned points Microsoft also provides technological process solutions to the non profits so that they can reach out to the people in need efficiently and effectively.Microsoft’s Employee giving program: Employees are the heart of any organization and the initiatives taken by them are prone to be embedded in the core of the organizational culture . The Microsoft’s employee giving program is a campaign by which employees devote their time and money as a service to the communities. Since its inception in 1983 the company has raised nearly $ 1 billion as donations. On 18th Oct, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer and Chairman and Founder Bill Gates commemorated Microsoftâ €™s 30th Employee Giving Campaign during a special town hall event where the congratulated the employees for their efforts.In FY12 the employees gave nearly $100 million with a volunteering percentage of 65%. The company Encourages employee giving and volunteering by offering company matching contributions for US employees up to $12,000 for total time and cash donations. It gives employees at least three days off from their office work if they want to volunteer outside the United States. The volunteering percentage has increased 12. 5% year over year and more than 12000 employees and 2,000 non-profits have been registered on Volunteer Manager, Microsoft’s opportunity matching system for bringing needs and skills together.The organization motivates volunteering through the Give SharePoint site, where employees can share experiences and opportunities with the rest of the Microsoft community. Beyond direct service to the community, Microsoft has made significant strides in t he areas of human rights and environmental sustainability. It consulted with businesses, government and other key stakeholders to develop a human rights statement that brings together long-standing policies on issues such as privacy, security, free expression and labour rights.It exceeded its goal to cut carbon emissions by 30 percent compared with 2007, due in part to the 1. 1 billion kilowatt hours of green power it purchased, the third most of any US company. Its endorsement of the United Nations Global Compact drives Microsoft to continually improve its business practices and increase its accountability. â€Å"Stick to your core competenciesâ€Å"– the famous business jargon is what Microsoft is incorporating in its pursuit of becoming a world leader in Corporate citizenship.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Development of a PSYOPS Plan
Human beings are social beings and are involved in a lot of activities to either sustain them or perform them for their own interests and image. Some of these activities need a lot preparation for them to be accomplished without a hitch. Preparation of future activities may involve equipment, psychological and all other resources that may be vital in the successful accomplishment of the planned activities. The most important is the mind set of each and every person who is present in the activity which is usually called the psychological operations plan (PYSOPS).This plan has been widely utilized by the armed forces and religious groups to influence a group of people’s way of reasoning or their emotions. This plan is also utilized by intelligence groups and the main objective of the plan is to induce immediate response to the target group. This may also involve conveying information that has psychological effect to the community. The main objective of this plan is to create con ditions for the well being of the human body by reducing stress and hardening or teaching people on how to cope with certain situations.Community survey in development of PYSOPS planFor the purpose of reducing insecurity in a society there is need to establish community based organizations or programs with the aim of protecting the individuals within that society. As a result, highly specialized security personnel protect the society from crimes by obtaining information on the possible criminal activities in the future there by enhancing security in the society. Private security personnel are the ones with the responsibility of collecting all the necessary information to protect the community from future criminal activities.Private security is increasingly becoming popular in many societies because it has enhanced reduction in criminal activities. Private policing is advantageous over public policing in that the former is not influenced by constitution principles thus independent. T here are limitations to the PYSOPS plan which has limited the delivery of the PYSOPS mission and objectives for instance there is a limitation of the funds required to pass information to a large mass of people.This is because the PYSOPS plan projects are greatly underfunded thus unable to afford the funds needed for advertisements thus unable to reach many people. Lack of sufficient funds means that the PYSOPS is unable to provide the relevant information and there fore the organization is unable to protect the community from future criminal activities since the private security will not have enough personnel to cope up with the crime rates.PYSOPS is lack modern equipments and therefore will be unable to meet the objectives that ought to be accomplished. This is because of the fact that there is under funding of psychological operation plan. There are also cases of equipment failures because the PYSOPS personnel is not adequately trained on the equipments that they should utilize a nd therefore unable to operate these equipments effectively.This factor is attributed by the fact that the personnel to be recruited to PYSOPS barely cover half of the course they are supposed to cover and therefore naà ¯ve in the way they should operate. The plan is therefore unable to pass the influential information to the target groups. PYSOPS management is poorly planned as the executives are less trained and therefore translates to their inability to strategically plan on how to meet the demands of the community and the nation at large.Planning is a vital aspect in all organizations and there fore poor planning will mean that even the laid down missions are poorly planned and there is no way poorly planned projects will prosper or be accomplished.ConclusionP YSOPS is a plan that requires a lot of attention from the government and should be funded accordingly with the necessary equipments. The personnel working in these plans should be adequately trained to ensure that they co me up with viable planning strategies to ensure that the demands of the community are accomplished effectively.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Psychosocial Smoking Rehabilitation
Psychosocial Smoking Rehabilitation Introduction Smoking is among the most common habits globally. It is supposedly a way of unwinding and relaxing among smokers after a stressful event or a hard day’s work. Despite the assertion, a variety of diseases have been attributed to smoking particularly for long-term smokers.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Psychosocial Smoking Rehabilitation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Smoking is a substantial risk factor for a variety of health challenges including lung cancer, emphysema, and cardiovascular ailments. In cases where the ailments originate from other causes, smoking speeds up the development of health conditions. The advancements in medical awareness and technology make it possible for individuals to pinpoint a variety of deadly diseases attributed to smoking. Actually, smoking is the leading avoidable grounds for fatality globally. In the United States, it claims hundred thousands of liv es. Main Body Nicotine is a chemical element present in many substances including cigarettes. Once an individual uses nicotine-containing products regularly, they are susceptible to addiction particularly when the product is smoked. Habitual cigarette users become so obsessed that it is almost impossible to abstain from smoking. Rehabilitation techniques are hence imperative in assisting smokers to quit smoking. Larson and Sydeman (2013) indicate that smoking is among the leading risks for coronary cardiac disease (CHD) in the United States. When compared to non-smokers, the odds ratio (OR) for myo-cardiac infarction is around 2.5 for retirement-aged adults. On the other hand, the OR for cardiovascular conditions is around 2 (1-3). In addition, upon a cardiac occurrence, a cigarette user is 2 times likely to have a restenosis (Larson Sydeman, 2013). The victim may also die following a cardiovascular disease especially when they are above 55 years. The authors indicate that patients with coronary cardiac disease average an estimated decrease in death risk of 36 percent upon quitting. An average of 46 percent risk decrease is projected for myocardial infarction patients. Unfortunately, most smokers find it difficult or impossible to quit smoking on their own prerogative and effort.Advertising Looking for research paper on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Determined smokers wishing to quit hence require various intervention strategies to help them out of the smoking trap. Different intervention strategies indicate different levels of effectiveness for different patients. Uncomplicated but concise advice from medical practitioner to a smoker increases the odds of quitting by up to 70 percent compared to nonintervention (Larson Sydeman, 2013). Group behavior therapy increases the chances of successful quitting by twofold which is comparable to individual patient counseling. The authors indicate that individual counseling is superior to nonintervention. They claim that rehabilitation efforts that are more concentrated reflect no improvement in self-restraint rates. Apparently, self-help interventions are the least successful. Evidence does not exist on their additional benefits in permutation with counseling. The quitting numbers are threefold over for inpatients in hospital and care homes compared to smokers in conventional home settings. Larson and Sydeman (2013) conclude that individuals with Type D Personality do not indicate CHD risk association. However, there is a strong link between tobacco smoking and CHD. Smoking increases the chances of mortality. For CHD patients, interventions ought to begin in the hospital. Consequently, it should last for at least one month upon discharge. Tobacco is the leading cause of preventable mortality among the US population (Getsios Marton, 2013). It leads to grave tobacco-related conditions such as lung cancer, persistent respiratory diseases, cardiac diseases, and stroke. Despite the fact that tobacco use has declined in recent years, 19 percent of adults continue to smoke. Majority of smokers who attempt to quit relapse. The dependence on tobacco is perceived as a chronic disease in itself. It requires numerous attempts to cease smoking. It is estimated that 1 in 4 smokers who attempt to quit on their own succeed. The rest relapse and never attempt quitting on their own unless they seek rehabilitation services. Unassisted cessation attempts are popular. However, majority of smokers who successfully quit seek cessation medication. Over 40 percent continue to use medication to sustain the attempt (Getsios Marton, 2013).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Psychosocial Smoking Rehabilitation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to Getsios and Marton (2013) most of the economic models that evaluate the effects of smoke quit ting rehabilitation consider the influence of a single quit attempt. The evaluations are based on long-term health and financial outcomes. They often presume that smokers who fail in their cessation attempt or be successful, but later relapse, continue smoking for the rest of their life. The motivation to quit is an essential construct in the smoking termination process (Getsios Marton, 2013). Despite this fact, existing literature is devoid of the agreement on how such motivation is described and calculated. Among the general smoking population, the motivation to quit smoking is gauged against the individual’s willingness to seek interventions as well as using facts to support the cessation attempts. Additionally, a variety of motivating factors such as overt self-claimed urge to quit, economic and physical conditions, anxiety and expectancies as well as change in attitude towards tobacco are among the predicting factors that indicate the attempt to quit for general smokers . Conversely, for cerebral health patient smokers, a substantial percentage would want to. Using the Trans-theoretical Model of behavior change, the authors investigate the occurrence of future ‘willingness to quit’ among patients with schizophrenia, associated psychotic disorders, and depression. For instance, between 19 and 38 percent of smoking mental health patients consider quitting within a month. Such willingness can effectively be translated into victorious quitting. The quitting rates among such patients can be up to 22 percent. However, the goal can only be achieved when merged psychosocial and pharmacological interventions are used. Comprehending the smoker’s motivation to quit and related factors plays a significant role in helping clinical workers to address the use of tobacco in inpatient surroundings. The understanding may assist in the progression and delivery of efficient nicotine-dependence treatment. Diverse behavioral and pharmacologic rehabil itations for tobacco use cessation have demonstrated efficacy. Consequently, the US department of health and human services advocates the use of medication and behavioral treatment for smoke quitting. An array of smoking prevention and management activities indicate substantial decrease in tobacco use during the last three decades.Advertising Looking for research paper on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The majority of wide-ranging and available methods utilized in these social campaigns include mass media smoke-quitting campaigns. These campaigns have been success in reducing the number of smokers. However, their efficacy at the personal levels is not vivid (Getsios Marton, 2013). Research conducted by Asvat and King (2014) tested the effectiveness of different types of smoking termination messages meant for racially-diverse American population through community-based awareness campaigns. The authors suggest that smoking is generally on the decrease in the United States. They assert that a plea to persuade close friends to quit smoking is more successful in comparison to a plea to safeguard oneself from the destructive effects of tobacco. However, such pleas from a racially different friend are not well received and may not yield the desired results. Population-based empirical evidence indicates that African Americans, Hispanic, uninsured, and young males rarely engage the servic es of quitting programs. However, when rehabilitation services are extended to these populations, quit attempts are more successful compared to the white counterparts. The findings indicate that racial diversity, smoking history, and motivation to quit support African Americans when they receive smoke cessation rehabilitation and equality in receiving the services (Asvat and King, 2014). A study conducted by Burgess and Sherman (2014) indicates that tobacco consumption and social disadvantage are progressively more intertwining as the difference in smoking percentages between the wealthy and the underprivileged individuals widens. The increases in tobacco prices heighten the economic baggage for marginalized groups. Study continuously indicates that they find it difficult to quit. The result is augmented health, psychosomatic and economic challenges making the use of tobacco a substantial contributor to societal disparity and the subsequent repercussions. The article concludes that mediations that encourage smoke quitting in underprivileged areas enhance the financial circumstances and livelihoods of the affected persons. Consequently, there is reduction in socio-economic discrepancies in transience. Apparently, there exist a linear gradient between increased consumption of tobacco and injection drug prevalence with increase in area disadvantage. According to Cooper and Friedman (2007), when an area is disadvantaged, there are high chances that the population is bound to be impacted by the consequences of smoking tobacco and its products. Locations of increased disadvantage create an apt atmosphere that encourages the continuous use of tobacco due to fewer smoking barriers due to the prevalence of injection drugs. Areas inhabited by American Africans, Hispanics and Asian Americans are among these locations (Cooper and Friedman, 2007). These areas are prone to the existence of gangs that engage in excessive use of tobacco and other narcotics. These gangs rarely engage with the health system where they can receive rehabilitation services due to residential segregation. Research conducted by Gritz and Danysh (2013) indicates that individuals living with HIV/AIDS have a significantly increased possibility of smoking in comparison to the general population. Considering their condition, they are more vulnerable to the unfavorable health implications of smoking. The researchers found that cognitive and behavioral elements assist in altering beliefs and behaviors that act as hurdles to the attempt to quit the use of tobacco and consequently abstain. Motivation plays a fundamental role when helping people living with HIV/AIDS particularly during the treatment delivery stage. The study indicates that African American and Hispanic persons smoke fewer cigarettes daily. However, they are nicotine dependent. The precise reason behind the tendency of using fewer cigarettes is not clear. The lack of financial endowment to buy tobacco products for day-to -day use is suspected to be a causative factor. The authors indicate that there is dire need for studies to focus on how to sustain the impact of intervention, raising the general quit rates, and minimizing actual hurdles to termination related to psychiatric comorbidity (Gritz Danysh, 2013). A study conducted by Diana Burgess and Scott Sherman (2014) indicates that African Americas have lesser chances of quitting successfully compared to their white counterparts. The variation persists despite the former’s stronger urge, readiness, and motivation to quit. Additionally, they harbor the belief that they will quit successfully. Consequently, they attempt to quit more often than whites (Burgess Sherman, 2014). Empirical research indicates that an essential contributor to the differences in quitting is black Americans’ limited utilization of fact-based quitting rehabilitation. The African Americans are less likely to be screened for tobacco use. They rarely volunteer to receive cessation counseling or prescription for tobacco replacement rehabilitation. The attitude of the African Americans limits the chances of caregivers intruding and offer rehabilitation services to smokers. The researchers assert that African Americans are more likely to benefit from tobacco quitting care model considering that they are less likely to have received earlier pharmacotherapy rehabilitation (Burgess Sherman, 2014). Conclusion Smokers wishing to quit smoking encounter diverse challenges irrespective of whether or not they have other health conditions. However, smokers with other health challenges encounter increased chances of persistence use of tobacco. The same applies to individuals living in disadvantaged areas due to economic challenges. It is hence imperative for clinical staff, counselors, and the community at large to understand the challenges individuals face when attempting to quit smoking. Rehabilitation interventions hence require to be addressed to dev elop newer and effective methods that help in rehabilitating smokers and reduce the chances of lapses and relapses. There is need for further research to be conducted in future to establish the impact of social interventions that are effective for successful smoking cessation. References Asvat, Y., King, A. (2014). Feasibility and effectiveness of a community-based smoking cessation intervention in a racially diverse, urban smoker cohort. American Journal of Public Health, 104(4), 620-627. Burgess, D., Sherman, S. (2014). Smoking cessation among African American and white smokers in the veterans affairs health care system. American Journal of Public Health, 104(4), 580-587. Cooper, H., Friedman, R. (2007). Residential segregation and injection drug use prevalence among black adults in US metropolitan areas. American Journal of Public Health, 97(2), 344-352. Gritz, E., Danysh, H. (2013). Long-term outcomes of a cell phone–delivered intervention for smokers living with HIV/ AIDS. CID, 57(1), 608-615. Larson, N., Sydeman, S. (2013). Type D personality is not associated with coronary heart disease risk in a North American sample of retirement-aged adults. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 20(1), 277-285.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Faire les quatre cents coups - French Expression
Faire les quatre cents coups - French Expression Expression: Faire les quatre cents coups Pronunciation: [fehr lay kat(reu) sa(n) coo] Meaning: to raise hell, live a wild life, sow ones wild oats Literal translation: to do the four hundred tricks Register: normal Notes Many expressions cant be translated literally between French and English, but the French expression faire les quatre cents coups is one that makes virtually no sense at all- you cant even guess as to what it means figuratively. It may be partly the definite article les (the) that makes it so difficult, as if there are 400 specific tricks that one must do in order to claim that youve lived a truly wild life. Also, the word coup has numerous meanings- in faire les quatre cents coups, its in the sense of un mauvais coup i.e. a dirty or mean trick. Unfortunately, the title of the Franà §ois Truffauts film Les Quatre Cents Coups was poorly translated as The 400 Blows in English. 400 Tricks would have been a little better, but the best translation would have probably been something more figuratively comparable like Raising Hell or The Wild One. Example    Paul ne va pas luniversità ©; il fait toujours les quatre cents coups.    Paul isnt going to college; hes still sowing his wild oats.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Modern technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Modern technology - Essay Example Our recent use of smartphones however seems to defeat that purpose because we have become more disconnected than we were because of our excessive use of smartphones. Smartphone is â€Å"a mobile phone with more advanced computing capability and connectivity than basic feature phones. Early smartphones typically combined the features of a mobile phone with those of another popular consumer device, such as a personal digital assistant (PDA), a media player, a digital camera, and/or a GPS navigation unit. Later smartphones include all of those plus the features of a touchscreen computer, including web browsing, Wi-Fi, and 3rd-party apps†(Wikipedia). In short, smartphone is a mobile phone that has the capability of a computer because it does not only allow us to send text messages and make phone calls, but also has processing capability to get into the internet, play applications as well as take and record videos and pictures. Having a smartphone is like having a computer in our pockets where the world can be reached with tip of our fingers. Through it, we can reach virtually connect to almost anyone from anywhere in the world. It made our life very convenient because many transactions and activities can already be done online through our smartphones. Transactions such as banking and paying our bills which usually takes time and effort to do because we have to physically do it but can now be done through our smartphones saving us time and money. Shopping are also made easier through our smartphones because we can now buy online through our smartphones and even have it delivered right at our doorsteps. Basically, the capabilities of smartphone now seem to be endless and the possibilities that can be done with it is still evolving because developers are still thinking of new ways on how it can still be harnessed. Despite of the many
Friday, November 1, 2019
There is no set topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
There is no set topic - Essay Example It is in this third letter that he strove to enlighten the public in his influence during the 18th century of how his humble career as a farmer created for him a paradigm shift that significantly changed his overall perspective of Europe with a renewed heart toward America and the naturalized citizenship which it endowed him without much exertion. The words in ‘What is an American?’ may be noted for both its simple and complex constructions which occur to liberate a tone of replenishing spirit after pertinent details had been brought across by critical yet sensible mode of reasoning. Instead of getting the reader to anticipate a more straightforward answer at its opening, the author seemed to have diverted the audience to a historically inclined creative introduction. Crevecoeur opted for the presence of an Englishman in the beginning to witness how the land of America, in which several Caucasians melted, alleviates a man to a level of acquiring both identity and prosper ity which he was deprived of while dwelling in the nation of his origins where social classes make a huge matter of concern.
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